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News Digest - Grants Available for Multistate Projects Involving Intelligent Transportation Systems

Press Release Number: 
DOT 13-13
Friday, February 8, 2013
Media Contact: 
Nancy Wilochka, 202-366-5568

Grants Available for Multistate Projects Involving Intelligent Transportation Systems.  State departments of transportation can now apply for grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for multistate, multimodal projects that involve Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).  A total of $7 million in grants is available from the Department’s Multistate Corridor and Management (MCOM) program.  A current Federal Register notice encourages organizations involved in ITS-related activities that could be supported through the MCOM program to partner with state departments of transportation to apply before the April 2 deadline. Some examples of activities eligible for MCOM grants include corridor planning and analysis, reserved lanes for alternative fuel vehicles and traveler information.  The Department may award funds to one project or multiple proposals.  Contact: Nancy Wilochka, 202-366-5128.

DOT Allows Delta to Serve Tokyo Haneda from SeattleThe U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has said it will allow Delta Air Lines to serve Tokyo’s downtown Haneda Airport from Seattle, making final its proposed decision issued last Nov. 15.  Delta had sought DOT’s approval to serve Haneda from Seattle rather than from its current gateway in Detroit.  In response, three other airlines filed proposals for a new daily flight to Haneda of their own.  After reviewing the proposals and public comments, the Department concluded that it would be in the public interest to approve Delta’s service from Seattle.  Delta will provide the first nonstop service between Haneda and Seattle and provide a number of Western U.S. cities with their first one-stop connecting service to Haneda. Delta must begin its Seattle-Haneda service within 120 days.  The final decision and other documents in the case are available on the Internet at, docket DOT-OST-2010-0018.  Contact:  Bill Mosley, 202-366-4570.