Photo & Video Log

This page contains images from the Sanctuary Quest Expedition conducted between April 24 - June 20, 2002. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a picture of a movie camera Camera icon is present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Before viewing any videos, you must first download the free QuickTime Player software.

HR) = High Resolution images available.

Camera icon Video

Video taken form ROV

Camera icon June 5
Video footage taken from the remotely operated vehicle.

A short video on the Cordell Bank

Camera icon June 2
A short video on the Cordell Bank.

Rough seas video

Camera icon June 1
Watch a short video showing the rough seas

The advantages of an ROV.

Camera icon May 1
The advantages of an ROV.

Outfitting the ship

Camera icon April 22-25
Outfitting the ship for the expedition.








Mary Sue with the Super Phantom ROV

June 20
Mary Sue with the Super Phantom ROV.







OCNMS's astonishing living resources

June 19
A glimpse of OCNMS's astonishing living resources.

The Olympic Coast Sanctuary Quest team

June 19
The Olympic Coast Sanctuary Quest team.





Monitor data shows surface feeding activity

June 18
Monitor data shows surface feeding activity.

A feeding frenzy above and below the sea surface

June 18
A feeding frenzy above and below the sea surface.





Conference on the bridge

June 17
Conference on the bridge.








June 16
Brittlestars often aggregate on the soft substrate.

Marine invertebrates in the deepwater habitat.

June 16
Marine invertebrates in the deepwater habitat. (HR)

A skate cruises along the seafloor

June 16
A skate cruises along the seafloor. (HR)

Gorgonian coral

June 16
A tall deep-water gorgonian coral. (HR)


June 16
Brittlestars reflect the broad diversity of organisms.

A deep-water anemone.

June 16
A deep-water anemone. (HR)





Recording data

June 15
Recording data.

Looking for seabirds

June 15
Looking for seabirds within 300 meters of the ship. (HR)

Blackfooted albatross

June 15
Blackfooted albatross soar over the swells.

Blackfooted albatross

June 15
Blackfooted albatross travel to OCNMS. (HR)

Searching for whales

June 14
Search for whales from McArthur's flying bridge.

Launching a chase boat

June 14
Launching a chase boat to get whale fluke identification photos.

Annie Douglas

June 14
Annie Douglas tTrails a humpback from the chase boat.

Breaching humpback

June 14
Breaching humpback.

A humpback rolls

June 14
A humpback rolls on its side.







A launch speeds toward surfacing humpbacks

June 13
A launch speeds toward surfacing humpbacks.

A whale's tail

June 13
A whale's tail shows distinctive fluke patterns. (HR)





Abandon ship drill

June 12
Abandon ship drill. “Dressing for success” if the ship sinks.







Lacey O'Neal at the helm

June 11
Lacey O'Neal at the helm as McArthur departs Aberdeen.







Staffing the ROV controls

June 5
Staffing the ROV controls.

Hauling in the ROV

June 5
Hauling in the remotely operated vehicle.

The sandy furrow habitat around Cordell Bank

June 5
The sandy furrow habitat around Cordell Bank. (HR)



Persistent wind and swells

June 3
Persistent wind and swells outside Drake's Bay, Point Reyes.







Record data to the computer

June 2
Recording data to the computer.

Chimney Rock Scene in Drake's Bay

June 2
Chimney Rock scene in Drake's Bay.





Strong wind and swells

June 1
Strong wind and swells keep the McArthur anchored in Drake's Bay.







Collecting water samples

May 31
Collecting water samples at different depths. (HR)








May 29
An albatross lingers around the boat during ROV operations.








May 28
A ratfish cruises the bottom depths at 236 feet.

Krill and phytoplankton

May 28
Krill and phytoplankton.





A Brittle Star aggregation

May 27
A Brittle Star aggregation in the sandy channels at Cordell Bank.







A shark

May 26
A shark around the camera on the ROV.

The shallow pinnacles at Cordell Bank

May 26
The shallow pinnacles at Cordell Bank.





White-plumed anemone

May 25
White-plumed anemone on the ocean bottom. (HR)

Data manager

May 25
Data manager records and observes the species. (HR)


May 25
Krills from one of the ships engine filters.



Education specialist examines juvenile dungeness crab

May 24
Education specialist examines juvenile dungeness crab.







Water Samples

May 23
Water samples are taken by the Rosette. (HR)

Lowering the seacat

May 23
NOAA scientists lower the seacat. (HR)





Map shows a wildlife transect

May 22
This map shows a wildlife transect.

Looking for seabirds

May 22
Looking for seabirds and marine mammals. (HR)





Controling ROV

Scientist helps control the ROV. (HR)







Leaving Southeast Farallon Island

May 20
Leaving Southeast Farallon Island. (HR)







Vivid underwater images

May 1
Vivid underwater images.

Deployment of ROV depressor weight

May 1
Deployment of ROV depressor weight.





ROV being deployed

April 30
The ROV being deployed.







The ROV sustained damage

April 29
The ROV sustained damage.







Whale sighted

April 28
Whale sighted off of San Miguel.







Collecting footage

April 27
Collecting footage for a short video production.








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