Robb Nolan Technical and Video Coordinator 

Tumbling Uphill: Social Blogging Site Tumblr on the Rise


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At we continuously follow and research emerging social media tools for what may be the next big application. However, one of the big stories of 2011 wasn’t around an “emerging” tool, but one that had been with us since 2007. Tumblr is a social blogging site that that allows individual blog posts to be…

Turn up the Volume: Audio Podcasts for 2012


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The term podcast is used to describe a series of online audio or video files that audiences can subscribe to and download regularly. As part of our effort to promote the use of new media and emerging technologies to extend the reach of HIV messaging, we have been producing audio podcasts since 2006. In 2008,…

Geosocial Connections: Where we’ve been and where we’re going


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A recent Pew Internet & American Life Project study [PDF-843KB] found that 28% of American adults use mobile and social location-based or “geosocial” services and 55% of smartphone owners use global positioning systems (GPS) for directions and recommendations of places to visit. Geosocial networking uses location-based software or “geolocation” and GPS to identify an individual’s…

30 Years of AIDS: Dr. James Curran, Dean of Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health


In the fifth installment of our continuing six-week video series, Dr. James Curran, Dean of the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University discusses the early years of research and response to HIV/AIDS, the uncertainty of its cause, the rush to understand the epidemic fully, and the urgency to respond to the disease. Dr. Curran shared that, “the biggest…

30 Years of AIDS: Phill Wilson, Executive Director, Black AIDS Institute

Image of Phill Wilson

In our fourth installment of our six-week video series, Black AIDS Institute President, Founder, and CEO Phill Wilson discusses his experiences over the past 30 years of AIDS