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Global Nuclear Futures Program Manager, Sandia National Laboratories

Tom Sanders
Tom Sanders
Role: Global Nuclear Futures Program Manager, Sandia National Laboratories

Tom Sanders, president of the American Nuclear Society and manager of Global Nuclear Futures Program at Sandia National Laboratories, was recently appointed to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC).

CINTAC advises the Secretary of Commerce on issues related to programs that expand United States exports of civil nuclear technology and services in accordance with applicable U.S. regulations. It also provides advice from U.S. industry on how activities affect the U.S. civil nuclear industry’s competitiveness and ability to participate in the international market.

Sanders was nominated by former White House Chief of Staff and Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, who co-chairs the American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness.

Learn more about this appointment off site link.