2008 Awards

Election to the National Academy of Engineering - Dr. Bhakta Rath for his "leadership in advancing materials research and technology to support national security."

2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Plasma Science and Applications Award - Dr. Phillip Sprangle "for pioneering research in plasma science, advanced accelerators, and advanced radiation sources."

Humboldt Research Award - Dr. Alexander Efros for his "past accomplishments in research in the field of semiconductor nanostructures and quantum dots."

Top Navy Scientists and Engineers of the Year Award - Thirteen NRL researchers received this award which recognizes Navy civilian and military personnel for superior scientific and engineering achievements; 46 awardees were chosen from among 35,000 eligible scientists and engineers.

Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Drs. Ish Aggarwal, Jas Sanghera, Shyam Bayya, and Guillermo Villalobos from Optical Sciences Division and Ms. Amanda Horansky-McKinney and Dr. Rita Manak from Technology Transfer Office for the development and commercialization of a novel process to produce transparent spinel ceramic with superior clarity and strength compared to currently available materials.

Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Drs. Jeff Koplow, Dahv Kliner, and Lew Goldbery (formerly from Optical Sciences DIvision) and also Ms. Jane Kuhl (former head of Technology Transfer Office), Dr. Christina Jansen (Technology Transfer), and Ms. Sally Ferrett (Patent Attorney) for the development and commercialization of a patented laser component, a helical fiber amplifier that revolutionizes the potential applications of fiber lasers

Fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) - Dr. Sergio R. Restaino for "outstanding contributions and unique inventions in novel adaptive optics for high-resolution imaging."

DoN Meritorious Civilian Service Award - Dr. Kathryn Wahl for "exceptional contributions to the advancement of Naval Research in the fields of contact mechanics and the chemistry of adhesion, friction, and wear."

DoN Meritorious Civilian Service Award - Mr. Stanley Chincheck for "his leadership and technical contributions to the NRL over the past five years, his dedication to fundamental scientific understanding and excellence, and his leadership in securing the Navy's critical information infrastructure."

DoN Meritorious Civilian Service Award - Dr. Stephen Eckermann for "his outstanding atmospheric modeling efforts at NRL from 2001 to 2007 in support of both fundamental scientific understanding and pressing DoD needs."

DoN Meritorious Civilian Service Award - Dr. Brian H. Houston for "his outstanding scientific and technology development efforts in the area of underwater mine detection and classification, spanning over the past ten years."

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