Filer Detail

All available records, including the public financial disclosure report, ethics agreement, Certificate of Divestiture and ethics pledge waiver, for the requested individual are listed below. Individuals may have only public financial disclosure reports and an ethics agreement; not all individuals have been granted Certificates of Divestiture or ethics pledge waivers.

You can view/download the ethics agreement and ethics pledge waiver directly from this page. To obtain copies of the public financial disclosure report and Certificates of Divestitures, click on “Add to Cart” and follow the instructions.

The new entrant ethics agreement, which sets forth the ethics commitments of the individual for the position, will appear with each annual report. For example, an ethics agreement that is labeled “2011 Ethics Agreement” and that accompanies the 2011 annual report is actually the “New Entrant Ethics Agreement.”

Read the Ethics Pledge 

Williams, Aaron S

  • Agency: Peace Corps
  • Position: Director

New Entrant Documents

New Entrant Form 278 7/15/2009 Checkout Required
New Entrant Amendment to 278 7/15/2009 Checkout Required
New Entrant Ethics Agreement 7/15/2009 View/Download Now
New Entrant Pledge Waiver 8/4/2009 View/Download Now
New Entrant Supplement to EA 7/28/2009 View/Download Now

2011 Season

2011 Form 278 8/2/2011 Checkout Required
2011 Ethics Agreement 8/2/2011 View/Download Now
2011 Supplemental EA 8/2/2011 View/Download Now

2010 Season

2010 Form 278 8/3/2010 Checkout Required
2010 Ethics Agreement 8/3/2010 View/Download Now
2010 Supplement to EA 8/3/2010 View/Download Now

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