MAW MPs celebrate year's accomplishments

By Pfc. Garry J. Welch | | August 26, 2010

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CAMP FOSTER, OKINAWA, Japan -- On August 3, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. under the reorganization of military police units throughout the Marine Corps, the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing Military Police Company was activated under III Marine Expeditionary Force for duty in the operating forces.

1st MAW's MP Company recently celebrated its first year's accomplishments with a ceremony in front of their company office here. The ceremony included a reading of their accomplishments and current operations, as well as a cake cutting.

"Two weeks after the [1st MAW MP] company had been activated, we were out training," said 1st Sgt. Avery L. Crespin, MP company first sergeant. "We were on the range, training on proper use of force, and all other mission-related training that would enable us to do the job more effectively."     

The initial challenge the unit ran into was getting all of its Marines back from the Fleet Assistance Program, said the Windsor, Colo., native.

"Once we got our Marines here, the next biggest problem we had was getting our gear, because at first we had nothing," said Crespin.

Crespin added, "The unit's biggest accomplishment was getting all that accomplished in a year."

In addition to improving the unit by getting organized and equipped, Marines in the unit improved themselves as well.

"The improvements are like night and day. To see how much they have grown, they went from getting back to the basics, to now having corporals leading entire convoys in support of (Operation Enduring Freedom)," said Crespin.

After this year of successful infrastructure development and operations, the company is now scheduled to grow in manpower over the next year.

"This company is going to get significantly (larger) in the near future," said 1st Lt. Christopher R. Ceren, the company commander.

"We are going to have more platoons we can deploy in support of OEF. These Marines are doing a phenomenal job, and we still have a lot of good leadership coming in."

Since the unit's activation, its Marines have participated in Exercises Ryuku Warrior, Amphibious Landing Exercise, Cobra Gold, Foal Eagle, and over 20 additional company-level training exercises, said Crespin. During 2009's Exercise PHIBLEX a typhoon turned the training exercise into a real world humanitarian aid mission, in which the MP Company Marines aided in the distribution of 40,000 food packs, and 654 cases of water.

In addition to supporting many training exercises throughout the year, the Marines of MP Company are currently supporting real-world operations in OEF and preparing for future support in both Afghanistan and Iraq, said Crespin.

Crespin added "I'm willing to put my reputation on the line and say these Marines are the most motivated Marines, hands down, bar none, across the MEF. They are all ready to learn, excited to be here and chomping at the bit to get into the fight."

MP Company currently has one platoon in support of Combat Logistics Battalion 3, currently involved in pre-deployment training to deploy to Afghanistan, and five Marines in support of 4th Marines directly supporting OEF right now, Crespin added. There is also one Marine preparing for an Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment in support of 4th Marines.

These Marines are ready to take on the challenge of anything thrown at them and run with it, said Crespin.

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