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Environmental Science Basics

Dropper placing blue liquid into small test tubes

These topics explain areas of study, research approaches, and biological processes that are integral to environmental health sciences.



Environmental Health Links


  • American Public Health Association: Environment • Health • You  - How did we get here, where are we going? This short film presents a historical overview of public and environmental health in the United States over the past century.
  • Children's Environmental Health Network  - A national, multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the fetus and child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthy environment. The CEHN Resource Guide  includes a directory of organizations active in children's environmental health issues and a compendium of statistical data sources.
  • Concerned Citizens  - US EPA site geared towards citizens who want to become familiar with environmental issues and the potential environmental and human health risks caused by pollution. Covers important emergency phone numbers, health and safety issues at work, protecting children at home and a community’s right to know about environmental exposures.
  • Diseases and the Environment 
  • Environmental Defense Fund  - Environmental Defense Fund evaluates environmental problems and works to create and advocate solutions that win lasting political, economic and social support because they are nonpartisan, cost-efficient and fair. Topics include antiobiotic resistance, agricultural policy, air quality, animal farms, environmental justice, pollution prevention, etc.
  • EnviroHealthAction  - An education and action center that provides an online community for health professionals and others interested in environmental health. Addresses topics covering toxic substances, children’s environmental health, air pollution, chronic diseases, climate change, vulnerable populations and drinking water.
  • Enviro-Health Links  - A portal to selected links to Internet resources on toxicology and environmental health issues of recent special interest; e.g., oil spills, nanotechnology, environmental justice, pollution, toxicogenomics, et al.
  • MyEnvironment  - US EPA site that allows a user to enter geographic information (zipcode, city or state) and find federal, state and local information about environmental conditions and features in that area.linking the disease with the toxin(s). The information is based on a review of published scientific research in environmental medicine and toxicology.
  • National Center for Environmental Health Fact Book 2002  - The latest research accomplishments and findings from the CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health.
  • Protect the Environment: Report Spills and Environmental Violations  - Learn whom to notify and how to be prepared in case of an environmental emergency, such as a chemical or oil spill.
  • RTK Net  - Right-to-Know Network provides free access to numerous databases, text files and conferences on the environment, housing and sustainable development.
  • Science and Environmental Health Network  - This organization engages communities and governments in the effective application of science to protect and restore public and ecosystem health. The website includes topics covering political, economic, philosophical, scientific and social issues related to the environment and public health. SEHN is a major proponent of the precautionary principle as a basis for environmental and public health policy.
  • Scorecard  - Find out what pollutants are being released in your area. Enter a zipcode and receive information on the release of toxic chemicals, animal waste from farms, air quality, lead hazards and the health of your area’s watershed.
  • Toxins and Disease  - This spreadsheet from the Collaborative on Health and the Environment summarizes the links between exposure to chemical contaminants and about 200 human diseases, disorders, or conditions. Classified according to disease, the website provides strength of evidence (limited/conflicting, good or strong)
  • Tox21: Transforming Environmental Health (649KB)

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