Governing Democratically and Justly

Facilitating Development of Democratic Institutions and Governance:

  • Support for civil society, independent media;
  • Development of political parties;
  • Assistance for protection of human rights;
  • Anti-trafficking efforts;
  • Improving the judicial capacity;
  • Strengthening the ability of the local governance to address their community priorities.


Project Name Duration Overview Partners USAID Contact
Legal Support for Civil Society 10/2009 - 09/2014

This program supports the development of civil society enabling legislation , increasesthe capacity of lawyers to assist NGOs with legal advice and advocacy, and promotes public discussion of...

ICNL Chris Miller
Local Governance Program 10/2012 - 09/2017

The objective of this program is to assist Government of Tajikistan in their ongoing process of implementing the 2009 Law on Local Self-Government in Towns and Townships, with particular focus on...

Deloitte Consulting, LLP Munisa Vahobova
Local Transparency and Cooperation Initiative 02/2012 - 01/2015

Ensuring greater stability through transparency, accountability and confidence in public financial management, the extractive sector, and public service delivery by: 

  • Improving...
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia Almaz Asipjanov
Media Support Initiative 09/2009 - 09/2014

Increasing access to objective news and information in Central Asia through the development of satellite broadcast channel and programming. The program also helps strengthen the legal enabling...

Internews Network Maria Stefurak
Parliamentary Ombudsman for Human Rights Support Program 09/2011 - 09/2013

Regional Dialogue is partnering with the Parliamentary Ombudsman for Human Rights (POHR) and other justice system stakeholders to improve public trust in these institutions and achieve greater...

Regional Dialogue Ilgiza Sharipova
Political and Civic Development 09/2009 - 08/2012

This project strengthens the capacities of political and civil society organizations (CSOs) to represent constituent interests and articulate effective political and/or advocacy campaigns. ...

National Democratic Institute (NDI) Ilgiza Sharipova
Political Party Processes Program (CEPPS) 01/2007 - 01/2012


Strengthening political party responsiveness and promoting an active citizenry by:

  • Enhancing political parties’ ability to address key areas of citizen concern
  • ...
Kevin Gash (AOTR)
Promoting Democracy through Independent Trade Unionism Project 10/2011 - 03/2012


Building local capacity of unions and promoting fundamental workers’ rights by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the role of Trade Unions in Kyrgyzstan 

American Center for International Labor Solidarity Erkin Konurbaev
Public Television and Online Media Support Project 05/2012 - 05/2015


Supporting the Kyrgyzstani media’s ability to deliver accurate and impartial news and information to promote stability andreconciliation by:

  • Increasing  the capacity...
Internews Network Erkin Konurbaev
Regional Community Connections Project 09/2012 - 09/2015

Community Connections Project is a cultural and professional exchange visitor program whose broad public...

World Learning Rabiga Baytokova
Last Updated: 02-20-2013