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View ICCVAM Guidelines for the Nomination and Submission of New, Revised, and Alternative Test Methods
(NIH Publication No. 03-4508 - September 2003) [PDF]
View Table of Contents in Webpage Format

A test method submission consists of a proposal to ICCVAM for consideration of a test method for which adequate validation studies have been completed to characterize the usefulness and limitations of the test method for a specific proposed regulatory requirement or application. Test method submissions require that adequate documentation of the scientific validity has been prepared in accordance with ICCVAM test method submission guidelines.

A test method nomination consists of a proposal to ICCVAM for review and evaluation for which a complete test method submission is not available. Four examples are:

  • Test methods for which adequate validation studies presumably have been completed but lack a complete submission package
  • Test methods that appear promising based on limited prevalidation or validation data and are proposed for additional validation studies
  • Test methods that have been developed and are proposed for prevalidation or validation studies
  • Test methods that are recommended for a workshop or other activity

Test method nominations and submissions may be made via the NTP Online Nomination Form or by contacting NICEATM.

Proposed test method nominations or submissions received by ICCVAM are initially assessed by NICEATM as to the relevance of the nomination or the adequacy and completeness of the submission. ICCVAM then determines the priority the proposed test method will have for technical evaluation. Once a proposed test method has been accepted for evaluation, ICCVAM assembles an interagency working group of government scientists with scientific and regulatory expertise in the appropriate scientific disciplines to collaborate with NICEATM on the evaluation process. Depending on the validation status of the proposed test method, ICCVAM, in conjunction with NICEATM, develops recommendations and priorities for further efforts. Such efforts might include an expert workshop, an expert panel meeting, a peer review meeting, an expedited peer review process, or a validation study.

Test method sponsors are encouraged to consult with NICEATM and ICCVAM throughout the test method development, prevalidation, and validation process, as well as during preparation of submissions. The objective of these interactions is to maximize the likelihood that validation studies and submissions will adequately characterize the usefulness and limitations of the proposed test method. Complete submissions are essential and serve as a basis for assessing the validation status of a proposed test method through an independent ICCVAM peer review process. This interactive process enhances the likelihood that agencies will have sufficient data and information to determine the extent that a test method can generate information that will meet their regulatory needs.

Criteria for the validation and regulatory acceptance for new and alternative test methods are outlined in the report Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Toxicological Test Methods (ICCVAM 1997) [PDF]

ICCVAM Brochure

View ICCVAM brochure with guidance for test method developers and sponsors
(February 2012)

Please note: some of the documents attached below may not be fully accessible to some readers. If you need assistance, please send an email to the NICEATM Webmaster or call NICEATM at 919-541-2384.

List of Nominations

Nominator Nominated Test Method Activity Activity
MB Research Labs Nomination of the In Vitro Sensitivity Assay for Detection of Substances That Cause Dermal Sensitization
View Nomination Letter [PDF]
Under Consideration -
NIOSH/CDC Nomination of the Electrophilic Allergic Screening Assay for the Detection of Substances Causing Allergic Contact Dermatitis
View Nomination Cover Letter [PDF]
Under Consideration NICEATM Preliminary Evaluation (July 2012) [PDF]
BioSentinel Pharmaceuticals Submission of the BoTest™, BoTest™ Matrix, and BoCell™ Botulinum Neurotoxin Activity assays for interlaboratory validation studies by ICCVAM and NICEATM.
View Nomination Cover Letter [PDF]
Final ICCVAM priority: high

In conjunction with a review of other botulinum toxin test methods
Biotest AG Nomination of an in vitro test method for assessing pyrogenicity of pharmaceuticals and other products for further evaluation in order to expand its applicability domain to non-endotoxin pyrogens [PDF]
View Nomination Cover Letter [PDF]
Final ICCVAM priority: high, for further consideration and evaluation FDA Document:
"Guidance for Industry — Pyrogen and Endotoxins Testing: Questions and Answers"
[PDF PDF on FDA website]
CPSC CPSC Nomination: Request for Assessment of the Validation of the Local Lymph Node Assay for Classification of Sensitizers [PDF] Evaluation Completed -
View Summaries of Evaluations
List of References
HSUS Alternative Methods to Replace the Mouse LD50 Assay for Botulinum Toxin Potency Testing [PDF]

View HSUS Letter to Allergan, Inc. (Dec. 15, 2005) [PDF]
Workshop Completed List of References
CertiChem, Inc MCF-7 Estrogenic Activity Cell Proliferation Assay
View Nomination Cover Letter [PDF]
View Documentation Provided with Nomination [PDF]
Validation Study Complete -
Evaluation in Progress
Xenobiotic Detection Systems LUMI-CELLTM Estrogen Receptor High-Throughput System for Screening Estrogen-Like Chemicals for Validation Studies
View Nomination Cover Letter [PDF]
View Documentation Provided with Nomination [PDF]
Validation Study and Evaluation Completed -
(Redacted at nominator's request) NTP Two-Year Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Rodent Studies (received Oct. 24, 2007) [PDF]

Additional nominating material (received May 13, 2008) [PDF]
Under Consideration Draft ICCVAM Recommended Priority [PDF]

List of Submissions

Sponsor Test Method Evaluation
Alternatives Testing Steering Committee:
Johnson Diversey
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
The Procter & Gamble Company
The Accord Group
In Vitro Test Method for Assessment of the Eye Irritation Potential of Antimicrobial Cleaning Products

View Submission Cover Letter from IIVS, Inc. [PDF]
Evaluation Completed ICCVAM Test Method Evaluation Report
ECVAM In Vitro Pyrogenicity Test Methods [PDF] Peer Review Complete Pyrogenicity Test Methods

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