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Thornberry receives national honor for policy work
Awarded by the RSA Conference for Excellence in the Field of Public Policy

Washington, Feb 29, 2012 -

U.S. Representative Mac Thornberry (R-TX) has received a national award for his work in cybersecurity.  

Yesterday, The RSA Conference, which is the world’s leading information security conference and exposition, announced that Thornberry was being honored with its “Excellence in the Field of Public Policy Award.” The recognition comes as part of the organization’s 15th annual awards program that honors Information Security innovators and practitioners in mathematics, public policy and security practices.

"Congressman Thornberry’s leadership has been vital on cybersecurity issues in Congress for a number of years, and his chairmanship of the Republican Cybersecurity Task Force in the U.S. House of Representatives has been indispensable," said Art Coviello, Executive Chairman of RSA and Executive Vice President at EMC Corporation.  "Congressman Thornberry is advancing cybersecurity policies in the U.S. Congress that will help protect America's national and economic security while also preserving U.S. technology leadership and innovation.  We are pleased that the RSA Conference has recognized him with the prestigious Award for Excellence in the Field of Public Policy this year and thank him for his ongoing efforts to pass effective, bi-partisan federal legislation that addresses our nation’s most pressing cybersecurity challenges."

Thornberry, who currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and as a senior member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has been on the leading edge of cybersecurity issues for a number of years.  In early 2011, Thornberry was tapped by the Speaker of the House and Majority Leader to spearhead a Cybersecurity Task Force to guide legislative action on this growing national security and economic threat. 

Over the course of a year, Thornberry led a diverse group of lawmakers representing nine major House committees to draft recommendations in a number of areas including updating existing laws, protecting critical infrastructure, and sharing cybersecurity information. The Task Force released its recommendations last October and received a favorable response from Republicans and Democrats in the House and the Senate, as well as the White House, private businesses, and other outside organizations.  

The House of Representatives is currently working on a number of legislative proposals that reflect elements of the Task Force’s recommendations.

Click here to download an updated official photo of Rep. Mac Thornberry

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