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Posted by on January 04, 2013

Dear Friend,

In this edition of my video mailbox, I want to respond to the letters, emails, and phone calls I have been receiving about gun control.

No words can describe the unspeakable tragedy that occurred with the school shooting in Connecticut.  This tragic event has people across the country asking if there are steps that can be taken to prevent anything like this from happening again.  I am concerned that in a rush to do something, there may be an overreaction.  I believe the problem is much deeper and more complex than any of the current proposals contemplate.
I have always stood against gun control because it only limits the constitutional rights of the people who follow the law and does nothing to stop those people who would violate the law.  The shooter in Connecticut, a state with some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, killed his mother and took her lawfully obtained weapons.  He illegally carried the guns into a gun free zone.  No law could stop him because he was committed to carrying out an evil act.
We must be careful not to blame an inanimate object for this tragedy, but rather we should look inward at society, at ourselves, and at the human being who pulled the trigger. 

I invite you to learn more about these issues by watching this edition of the video mailbox. Have a question you would like answered?  Please contact me by phone, letter, e-mail,on Facebook, or on Twitter.
As always, I appreciate hearing from you.


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Posted by on August 13, 2012

Dear Friend,
In this edition of video mailbox, I want to respond to some letters that I have received concerning the 2012 Farm Bill and the Department of Labor’s Youth Ag Rule that places restrictions on what a child can and cannot do on a farm.  I have received a good deal of mail on both topics, and I understand how important each of these issues is to our part of Texas. 
Passing some sort of Farm Bill is essential before September 30, but I believe we must make sure we pass the best bill possible for our farmers and ranchers.  The House has already passed a bill to fund disaster programs.  The disagreement is primarily about the 80% of the Farm Bill that is Food Stamps and nutrition programs.
In addition, at this point the Department of Labor has withdrawn their proposed Youth Ag Rule.  It is still critical, however, that we remain watchful for other examples of over reach by the federal government in the future.

I invite you to learn more about these issues by watching this edition of the video mailbox.  Have a question you would like answered?  Please contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.

As always, I appreciate hearing from you.



Posted by on June 11, 2012

I always appreciate when you take the time to contact me and look forward to answering your questions on the video mailbox.

In this edition, I discuss concerns about the Farm Bill, the possibility of cuts to agriculture programs, and where Congress stands on renewing these policies.

With the Supreme Court set to rule on the Obama health care law any day, I also talk about the House's recent vote to repeal additional pieces of the law.  The latest vote would repeal the law’s tax on medical devices and end restrictions on health savings and flexible spending accounts.  The measure passed with bipartisan support on a vote of 270 to 146.
I hope you'll tune in to this edition and keep the questions coming.

Posted by Mac on March 26, 2012
I always appreciate hearing from you and look forward to answering your questions on the video mailbox.

In this edition, I discuss the House's vote to repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which was another unpopular part of the President's health care law.  Last week, I asked if you agree with the House's decision to work towards a full repeal of the health care law.  71% of participants said that they fully support the House's decision; 25% said they firmly disagree with with the House plan to repeal the law.  If you did not share your opinion, you may do so here.  Or, you can learn more about my decision to support the repeal of IPAB by reading the press statement and eNewsletter I released on Friday.

In this video mailbox, I also respond to a constituent's concerns about the Justice Department's involvement in the Texas law that would require voters to display a photo ID at the poll.  Let me know what you think about the issue by sharing your opinion here. I hope you'll tune in to this edition and keep the questions coming.

Posted by Mac on January 31, 2012

I received some mail last week regarding the President's State of the Union address. One constituent wrote in response to the statement I put out after the President's remarks that it is Congress who prevents the President from accomplishing more.  I respectfully disagree.  

I also discuss ridiculous new regulations recently issued by the Department of Labor that will impact the rural way of life.  One constituent wrote that these new rules are further evidence that "most people in Washington don't know which end of a cow gets up first." 

Finally, I respond to concerns about the upcoming debate over the payroll tax cut extension that expires in February.

I hope you will tune in and continue to keep the questions coming.

Posted by Mac on January 09, 2012

In 2012, much of the conversation in Congress will focus on the size and role of government in our lives.  This debate is a necessary conversation given our massive debt and deficit and the unprecedented growth of government since the President took office in 2009.  It is also a promising opportunity to get our country on the right track.

As the House gets set to begin its work, I wanted to share 2012’s first video mailbox segment with you.  In this edition, I answer questions about the Capital Gains Tax, share some details about a new "tax fact" section featured on my website, and respond to a constituent's concern about possible reductions in the strength of our nation's military. 

Additionally, I discuss the need to reform some of the entitlement programs, which continue to consume more and more of the federal budget.  If we are serious about getting our fiscal house in order, commonsense entitlement reform must be on the table.

I invite you to learn more about these issues by watching this edition of the video mailbox.  Have a question you would like answered?  Please contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.

I hope you'll join my page on Facebook and share this feature with your friends.

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Posted by Mac on December 20, 2011

I wanted to share this week’s video mailbox segment with you.  In this edition, I answer questions on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), possible changes to the Farm Bill after the Super Committee failure, and how supporting commonsense energy policies like the Keystone XL pipeline could create thousands of American jobs. 

I invite you to learn more about these issues by watching this edition of the video mailbox.  Have a question you would like answered?  Please contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter

I hope you'll share this feature with your friends and keep the questions coming.

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Posted by Mac on October 31, 2011
This is my video mailbox entry for the week of October 31st.  This week I answer some questions about TRICARE For Life (TFL) enrollment, military retirement, National Right-to-Carry legislation (H.R. 822), EPA pollution standard regulations, and the Republican job plan.  I look forward to answering more questions in the future from those who contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.  I hope you'll share this feature with your friends and keep the questions coming.


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Posted by Mac on September 19, 2011
This is my video mailbox entry for the week of September 19th.  This week I answered questions about President Obama's executive order to stop the deportation of large numbers of illegal immigrants, regulations that prevent job creation, the President's stimulus-type jobs plan, and overlap in welfare programs.  I look forward to answering more questions in the future from those who contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.  I hope you’ll share this feature with your friends and keep the questions coming.

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Posted by Mac on September 01, 2011

This is my inaugural effort to answer on video some of the more common questions I receive from the folks in our part of Texas.  In this first edition of "Mac's Video Mailbox" I answered questions about proposed post office closures in our part of Texas, possible changes to Social Security, Medicare, and military retirement, and the Tea Party.  I look forward to answering more questions in the future from those who contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.  I hope you’ll keep the questions coming.

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