NCCWSC Science Agenda

The NCCWSC science agenda will:

  • Be inspired by and responsive to the needs of the land management community
  • Place priority on evaluation, translation, and synthesis of climate impact research findings
  • Promote rigorous, objective, and integrated research that advances fundamental understanding of climate impacts to natural resources
  • Disseminate results broadly and foster professional scrutiny, critique, and learning
  • Seek out and promote institutional efficiencies and leveraging opportunities in climate impact research
Research Themes


Downscaling and derivative products of coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) specifically for fish and wildlife management applications at a regional and/or local scale.

Forecasting and Scenario Development

The development of regional ecological or biological response models with direct application adaption planning and management.

Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Assessment, and Uncertainty Analysis

Identifying, quantifying, or evaluating the degree to which natural or cultural resources are likely to be affected by changing climatic conditions. Vulnerability assessments should consider sensitivity, exposure, and adaptive capacity of the resources in question to climate change.

Monitoring Protocol Development

Protocols and sample designs are needed for landscape-level monitoring of climate-sensitive indicators in order to track climate impacts.

Development of Best Practices for Regional Analysis

Develop and distribute guidance and training that highlights accepted practices in downscaling, ecological modeling, uncertainty analysis, vulnerability assessment, etc.

National Synthesis

Generate and assess hypothesized climate impacts based on sponsored research. Become a “National Clearinghouse” for hypothesized climate impacts to fish, wildlife, and habitats.

Adaptation Research, Evaluation of Management Strategies

More information about this topic coming soon.