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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
November 26, 2008

Kosovo: EULEX Deployment

Today in the Security Council, the United States welcomed the Secretary General's recent report on Kosovo and welcomed the considerable progress made in Kosovo since its independence in February. The United States also supports the decision by the Secretary General to adapt the UN's role to this new, positive reality by accelerating the downsizing of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the transfer of rule of law authorities to the EU's rule of law mission, EULEX. The rapid deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo will greatly enhance security and stability in the whole region. The United States strongly supports EULEX and will contribute over 80 policemen, judges and prosecutors to the mission. The United States underscores the importance of fully respecting Kosovo’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. In this context, we take special note of the Secretary General’s commitment that measures foreseen for the transition period from UNMIK to EULEX will be implemented in continuous coordination and consultation with the Kosovo authorities.

We welcome the Government of Kosovo’s strong support for the quick and effective deployment of EULEX throughout the country, as stated in its November 18 declaration. We call on all relevant stakeholders to act responsibly and without delay to ensure that EULEX assumes its proper role in Kosovo, which will help ensure that all people and ethnic groups have a safe and secure future in Kosovo.


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