Foreign Service Specialist Career Tracks

The U.S. Department of State offers career opportunities to professionals in specialized functions needed to meet Foreign Service responsibilities around the world. As a Foreign Service Specialist, you will provide important technical, management, healthcare or administrative services at one over 265 posts overseas, in Washington, D.C., or elsewhere in the United States.

In total, there are 22 different specialist jobs that are grouped into several categories. Click on the specific categories to learn about the different positions within each.


General Services Officer

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General Services Officer

Closed: January 24, 2012.Sign up to receive email updates

General Services Officers (GSO) are responsible for a broad range of functions including the management of physical resources and logistical functions at diplomatic and consular posts. You will develop, plan, implement, and manage an ongoing program of support that includes contracting, inventory/property, physical facilities, space management, travel and transportation, motor pool, and maintenance and repair schedules. These services will also be provided to other U.S. Government agencies.

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Financial Management Officer

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Financial Management Officer

Closed: October 21, 2011. Please subscribe to receive email updates.Sign up to receive email updates

Financial Management Officers (FMO) are responsible for the management of the financial activities of diplomatic and consular posts, including financial services to other U.S. Government agencies. As an FMO, you will develop budgets and financial plans, control obligations and expenditures, prepare and audit payment vouchers, administer payroll plans, approve salary and allowance payments and monitor cash operations.

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Human Resources Officer

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Human Resources Officer

Closed: March 27, 2012Sign up to receive email updates

Human Resources Officers (HRO) are responsible for recruitment, employee training and development, performance management, employee relations, salary and benefits administration, employee policies and procedures and position classification. You will supervise and ensure effective performance of the Human Resources Office staff at diplomatic and consular posts. These services will be extended to other U.S. Government agencies.

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Construction Engineering

Construction Engineer

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Construction Engineer

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Closed: January 02, 2013.

Construction Engineers (CE) monitor and report on contract work overseas to ensure that the construction of new properties and renovation of existing properties are completed properly, on time and within budget.

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Facility Management

Facility Manager

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Facility Manager

Closed:  November 14, 2012. Please subscribe to receive email updates.Sign up to receive email updates

If you are able to adapt well to the uniqueness of different cultures and practices, this could be an ideal position for you to apply your technical, administrative and people skills. Working closely with the General Services Officer, you will manage the upkeep of buildings, grounds, fixtures and utilities overseas.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.




Information Technology

Information Management Specialist

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Information Management Specialist

Closed: September 19, 2012. Subscribe to receive email updates.

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Information Management Specialists (IMS) manage and operate worldwide information technology infrastructure, including PC local and wide area networks, telecommunications systems, telephone and UHF/VHF programs, and diplomatic pouch and mail services.

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Information Management Technical Specialist/Digital

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Information Management Technical Specialist/Digital

Closed: May 16, 2012.Sign up to receive email updates

IMTS/D duties include performing site surveys, installation and maintenance associated hardware and software for PC local and wide area networks.

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Information Management Technical Specialist/Radio

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Information Management Technical Specialist/Radio

Closed: September 12, 2012. Subscribe to receive email updates.Sign up to receive email updates

IMTS/R duties include performing site surveys, installation and maintenance of associated hardware and software for UHF/VHF land mobile systems.

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Information Management Technical Specialist/Telephone

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Information Management Technical Specialist/

Closed: September 12, 2012. Subscribe to receive email updates.Sign up to receive email updates

IMTS/T responsibilities involve conducting site surveys, installation and maintenance of associated hardware and software for telephone PBX systems.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


International Information and English Language Programs

English Language Officer

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English Language Officer

Closed: October 30, 2009Sign up to receive email updates

English Language Officers (ELO) are responsible for all U.S. Department of State-sponsored English teaching activities in the host country, or if a Regional ELO with responsibilities for English language program activities in several countries, necessitating extensive travel. When assigned to Washington, D.C., you will provide general administrative support to overseas programs, work on the research and development materials, conduct seminars, and provide consultative services to overseas posts or host-country institutions.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Information Resource Officer

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Information Resource Officer

Closed: July 20, 2012. Sign up to receive email updates

Information Resource Officers (IRO) provide professional guidance and direction to 170 Information Resource Centers (IRCs) located at U.S. embassies abroad. Through extensive travel within an assigned region, IROs counsel Mission Officials on effective information program resources and services, assess staff needs, carry out regional training programs, demonstrate and promote U.S. electronic information resources, and establish contacts with host country information and library institutions. IROs are a vital part of the Department of State's Office of International Information Programs, the principal international strategic communications service for the foreign affairs community.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements..


Medical and Health

Health Practitioner

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Health Practitioner

Apply Now: Deadline is March 13, 2013.Sign up to receive email updates

Foreign Service Health Practitioners, Family Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants, with family practice backgrounds, support the routine and emergency health and medical needs of U.S. Embassy and Consulate personnel and families overseas, including in places where health care, living conditions, and outside medical support may be rudimentary. They assume the role of a primary care provider in diagnosing and treating patients. They are also responsible for administering a full range of community health care services, including preventive health education for the official mission community. Health Practitioners are considered "essential personnel" and are on-call to provide services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Health Practitioners may be assigned to Washington, hardship posts, unaccompanied posts, or posts where dependents have been evacuated during a tour of duty while the employee must remain at post.

Read the vacancy announcement qualification, education and other requirements, specific for your medical field.


Regional Medical Technologist/MLS

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Regional Medical Technologist/MLS

Apply Now: Deadline is March 13, 2013.

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Regional Medical Technologists/Medical Laboratory Specialists (RMT/MLS) support the routine and emergency health and medical needs of U.S. Embassy and Consulate personnel and families overseas, including in places where health care, living conditions, and outside medical support may be rudimentary. They often work in conjunction with other Foreign Service medical personnel. Duties include performing routine visits to regional area Health Units to evaluate and monitor performance of local laboratory technologists. They also maintain their own laboratories at posts of assignment and across assigned regions. Foreign Service Medical Technologists are considered "essential personnel" and are on call to provide services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Regional Medical Officer

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Regional Medical Officer

Closed: October 31, 2012.  Please subscribe to receive email updates.

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Regional Medical Officers (RMO) support the routine and emergency health and medical needs of U.S. Embassy and Consulate personnel and families overseas, including in places where health, living conditions, and outside medical support may be rudimentary. An RMO may work independently or in conjunction with other Foreign Service medical personnel. The RMO's duties include providing primary medical care and appropriate health information and disease prevention programs at each post of responsibility as well as a host of other medical and health related responsibilities. Foreign Service Regional Medical Officers are considered "essential personnel" and are on call to provide services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements, specific for your medical field.


Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

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Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

Closed: October 31, 2012. Please subscribe to receive email updates.Sign up to receive email updates

Regional Medical Officers/Psychiatrists serve the needs of U.S. Embassy and Consulate personnel and families overseas, including in places where health, living conditions, and outside medical support may be rudimentary. The RMO/P may work independently or in conjunction with other Foreign Service medical personnel. The RMO/P's duties include providing primary psychiatric care for each post in the supported geographical region as well as a host of other psychiatric and mental health related responsibilities. Foreign Service Regional Medical Officers/Psychiatrists are considered "essential personnel" and are on call to provide services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Department of State's Medical Program and Foreign Service Medical Provider (FSMP) specialists.

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Medical Program and FSMPs

The State Department’s Medical Program supports the routine and emergency health and medical needs of U.S. Embassy and Consulate personnel and families overseas, including in places where health care, living conditions, and outside medical support may be rudimentary. The medical team consists of Foreign Service Medical Provider (FSMP) specialists: physicians, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical technologists who serve at embassies and consulates around the world, as well as locally-hired providers: American and host-country nurses, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical technologists, and administrative support personnel. Embassy medical staff may be as few as one person in the unit or a large multi-disciplinary staff. The patient population may be as few as 40 people or as many as 1,000 or more. The Foreign Service health units around the world vary due to patient load, size of medical staff, and availability of local medical resources. The office size may be two to three rooms or a suite of offices. All will contain the basic equipment and supplies needed by an RMO (Regional Medical Officer) or FSHP (Foreign Service Health Practitioner) to practice as a family-practice provider. Outside medical resources vary from excellent to very poor. There may be a well-trained physician to consult or a questionable poorly-trained physician you would use only in an extreme emergency.

Some FSMP positions may require regional travel. RMOs cover a geographic region and provide medical and administrative oversight for embassies and consulates with and without health units, and travel approximately 50-60% of the time. FSHPs also have regional responsibilities, and many RMOs share their geographic area responsibilities with the FSHPs. During regional visits, the FSMP consults with patients, advises management on medical and administrative issues, mentors and guides locally-engaged medical staff, and visits local medical resources.


Office Management

Office Management Specialist

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Office Management Specialist

Closed: Deadline is September 26, 2012. Please subscribe to receive email updates.

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Office Management Specialists (OMS) are called upon to perform a variety of duties at diplomatic and consular posts. These duties include general office management, conference and visitor support, administrative and secretarial support. You must be familiar with databases, spreadsheets, and word processing and be able to use office equipment (PCs, faxes, phones, copying machines, etc.).

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Diplomatic Courier

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Diplomatic Courier

Closed: July 18, 2011.Sign up to receive email updates

Diplomatic Couriers are entrusted with ensuring the inviolability of diplomatic pouches and their secure delivery throughout the world. Couriers are required to safeguard and escort diplomatic pouches containing classified and sensitive material between U.S. diplomatic missions overseas and the Department of State. Couriers operate under the auspices of international agreements and treaties as governed by the Vienna Convention.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Security Engineering Officer

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Security Engineering Officer

Closed:  November 4, 2011 Sign up to receive email updates

Security Engineering Officers (SEO) provide technical security support and engineering expertise to protect U.S. Foreign Service posts. You will work overseas, in Washington, DC, or Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and will be responsible for selected duties ranging from security system design, development and analysis to installation and testing.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Security Technical Specialist

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Security Technical Specialist

Closed: October 31, 2012Sign up to receive email updates.

Security Technical Specialists (STS) provide support and assist in worldwide technical security programs. These programs for which you will give overall program management, maintenance and support, provide protection for U.S. Department of State facilities and personnel from technical espionage, acts of terrorism, and crime. The mission of STS personnel is accomplished through the use of sophisticated electronic and electro-mechanical security systems.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Special Agent

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Special Agent

Closed: March 30, 2012Sign up to receive email updates

Special Agents are specially trained Foreign Service security professionals; they are also sworn Federal law enforcement officers. Overseas, as a Regional Security Officer (RSO), you will advise ambassadors on all security matters and manage a complex range of security programs designed to protect personnel, facilities, and information. In the U.S., Special Agents protect the Secretary of State and visiting foreign dignitaries, investigate passport and visa fraud, and conduct personnel security investigations.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


Security Protective Specialist

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Security Protective Specialist

Closed: February 20, 2012Sign up to receive email updates

Security Protective Specialists (SPS) provide a variety of personal protective services to Department officials and employees at overseas locations in accordance with Department of State and Bureau of Diplomatic Security established protective security policies, standards, and procedures.

Read the vacancy announcement for qualification, education and other requirements.


For more detailed information on Diplomatic Security opportunities please visit