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Enterprise Architecture

USAID IT Strategic Plan 2011-2015

This USAID Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP) 2011-2015 (pdf, 829k) has been updated for 2012. It re-imagines the role that information technology plays in supporting the Agency's mission. Our vision anticipates and enables the emergence of the “development entrepreneur,” and facilitates the USAID Forward goals and approach to a more dynamic, collaborative, and innovative model for delivering international aid.

Enterprise Architecture Volume 3: Target Architecture

USAID's Target Enterprise Architecture (pdf, 2.2mb) identifies the Agency's business challenges, then describes how those challenges will be met with innovation, improved business processes, a focus on performance, and improved delivery of information services.

In this document (pdf, 2.2mb) you will see:

  • A three-year vision for improving the Agency's performance, innovation, and impact
  • The Target Enterprise Architecture, which guides change management initiatives and IT investment decision-making
  • A “how to” guide for fine-tuning the Target Architecture over the next three years

Enterprise Transformation Roadmap

USAID's Enterprise Transformation Roadmap (MS Word, 4mb) is the plan for moving the Agency from “Point A”, the current information environment, to “Point B” - the Agency's Target Enterprise Architecture. At the end of the three years that the Roadmap covers, the Agency's business challenges will be met with innovation, improved business processes, a focus on performance, and improved delivery of information services.

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