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Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School


Projects and Mentors

The following mentors have agreed to host a student this year. Feel free to contact them and discuss their projects or your own project ideas with them. You can also look at other ISR-1,2 members and contact them for potential mentoring during the summer school.

Mentor: Burward-Hoy, Jane
General Interests:Instrumentation, Device Physics, Space Physics
Project Topics:

  • Energetic Particle Instrumentation for Space-Flight Applications

    Work is related to space-flight instrumentation that produces space weather data products, and in particular, energetic particle measurements at LEO, MEO, and GEO. Our team designs and delivers the next generation energetic particle instruments based on our group's heritage and expertise dating back to the early 1960's and the Vela Hotel program. Our primary focus this year includes calibrating energetic particle instruments at beam lab facilities that include Goddard Space Flight Center, LANL's Ion Beams Materials Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. We are also developing Monte Carlo simulation methods to determine instrument responses using GEANT4 and/or MCNPX. Programming work includes post-processing data analysis codes in C++ and ROOT environments and analyzing, interpreting space weather data products. Electronics work related to a Technology Development proposal would exploit a time-of-flight technique for ion identification. A US person status is required due to Export Controls.

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Mentor: Chen, Yue
General Interests: Earth's radiation belts, generation of waves in the radiation belt region, wave and particle interactions, Electron acceleration, Electron precipitation, proton trapping and detrapping, empirical radiation belt models
Project Topics:

  • Understanding the Impact of Solar Proton Events on the Earth’s Proton Radiation Belt

    The Earth’s radiation belts trapped by the geomagnetic field present a hazardous radioactive environment to space missions. Specifically, protons of up to 100s of MeV energy dominate the inner belt (L<~2) that is usually stable except for during solar eruptive times such as the solar proton events (SPEs). It is known that SPEs carry a highly variable component of energetic protons that impinge on the Earth’s magnetosphere and can sometimes form a new proton belt, but the exact mechanism of trapping and detrapping SPE protons remains an intriguing and open question. From the practical perspective, phenomena caused by the proton belt include total does effects and single event effects that adversely affect spacecraft operation, as well as the biological effect on human issues that is also a serious concern for manned missions. Therefore, understanding how SPEs impact the proton belt is of great both theoretic and practical importance. In this project, we will explore this question by looking into in-situ proton measurements from multiple satellite missions. We will also use particle tracing codes to study the trapping and detrapping conditions for newly injected protons. Both detailed and statistical studies will be included.

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Mentor: Cox, Larry
General Interests: ionospheric physics, data assimilation
Project Topics:

  • Solar flares and their effect on the ionosphere and thermosphere

    Project description coming soon

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Mentor: Friedel, Reiner
General Interests: radiation belts, data analysis
Project Topics:

  • Computing Radial Diffusion Coefficients using CRRES Electric and Magnetic Field Data

    It is well known that radial diffusion is responsible for populating and depleting the van Allen radiation belts with high energy charged particles. Data from satellites such as CRRES suggests that radial diffusion of these particles depends on radial distance (L), intensity of magnetic activity (Kp), and possibly others. Previous work has been done by Brautigam et al. (2005) to use the CRRES electric field data to estimate the electric field power spectral density and compute the electrostatic component of the radial diffusion coefficients for the simplified Fokker-Planck equation in the case of first two adiabatic invariants being conserved. Brautigam et al. assumed that these coefficients depend only on L and Kp. However it appears that more parameters may be necessary.

    This project for LANL space weather summer school has the following objectives.

    1.Using the CRRES magnetometer data, we will estimate the magnetic field power spectral density as a function of L, Kp, and local time. The PSD will then be used to derive the electromagnetic component of the radial diffusion coefficients.

    2.Power spectrum analysis on the CRRES electric field data will be conducted more in depth to determine dependence on other parameters besides just L and Kp. The electrostatic components will be recalculated with these new parameters. The two components added up together will give us the radial diffusion coefficients.

    3.All of the CRRES datasets used above with the highest resolution available, will be merged, cleaned up, and made available to others in a ready to use format for scientific research through outlets such as CEDAweb archives and ViRBO. Tools such as autoplot at ViRBO allow a quick and easy interaction with the data available.

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Mentor: Godinez, Humberto
General Interests:data assimilation, ensemble Kalman Filter, collision probabilities, ensemble simulation, orbital dynamics
Project Topics:

  • Collisional Probabilities in Space

    Accurate estimation of collison probabilities for space objects depend on various factors. Among the most important is an accurate description of the probability density function of the orbit of each individual object. In this project we will implement an ensemble simulation for the orbit of each object, for a number of different space object. The main objective is to efficiently simulate the probability density function of the orbit of the space object in order to calculate collision probabilities. The project will require both theoretical knowledge of orbital dynamics and practical knowledge of ensemble simulation.

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Mentor: Koller, Josef
General Interests: Radiation belt modeling, orbital drag, space debris, machine learning
Project Topics:

  • Parameter Estimation in Radiation Belt Modeling

    The space environment in the inner magnetosphere is highly dynamics and poses a number of hazards to space systems. Los Alamos has developed an open source environment for radiation belt modeling and data assimilation with the SpacePy library. A numer of input parameters play an important role in radiation belt modeling. However, these parameters are time-dependent and poorly determined. This project will implement parameter estimation routines in the SpacePy library and estimate e.g. local acceleration parameters, diffusion parameters, wave activity etc. The result will be a time-series that can be correlated to solar wind drivers. The parameter estimation will be done in conjunction with data assimilation using an ensemble Kalman Filter.

  • Orbital drag data analysis

    The density of the upper atmosphere (120km and above) is typically modeled with an empirical density model which can be used to calculate drag forces on satellites. However, these empirical density models have limitations. Los Alamos has recently initiated a new project to develop a physics based model of the upper atmospheric densities: IMPACT (Integrated Modeling of Perturbations in Atmospheres for Conjunction Tracking). The goal of this project is to employ precision orbital data to fit atmospheric densities to the satellite ephemeris. This will yield in thermospheric density data that can be used for data assimilation into our physics based density model GITM from Michigan University.

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Mentor: MacDonald, Liz

General Interests: plasma mass spectrometer instruments and technology development, wave-particle interactions and the effect of plasma on radiation belt dynamics, mapping and coupling between the ionosphere and the inner magnetosphere, the impact of heavy ions on geomagnetic storm processes, and space weather

Project Topics:

  • Remote sensing of wave-particle interactions using LANL-GEO data

    LANL particle data are available from geosynchronous orbit for over 70 satellite years of data. Harnessing the power of this multi-point data to understand wave-particle dynamics in the magnetosphere will be the focus of this project. Specifically, the student will work with IDL code to examine the plasma particle distributions for certain plasma wave instabilities, e.g. EMIC mode, whistler mode, and magnetosonic mode. A superposed epoch analysis technique will be used to examine the dependencies of the distributions on various forms of geomagnetic activity. These studies will be relevant for future missions, especially for scientific topics of interest to NASA's upcoming Radiation Belt Storm Probes. The research focus may shift before the summer or may be tailored more to the student's interests; this may include more or less of instrumentation test and design, website design, and/or PIC models of plasma plumes. Previous experience with IDL and working independently in space physics is desired. Please contact me for more information.

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Mentor: Steinberg, John
General Interests: solar wind, interplanetary electrons, interplanetary field, solar wind origins, co-rotating interaction regions, coronal mass ejections, space plasma instrumentation
Project Topics:

  • Probing Structure in the Solar Wind using Electrons

    Solar wind is variable in its bulk flow parameters of speed, density, and temperature, as well as its ion composition. In addition, the entrained interplanetary magnetic field exhibits smoothly varying features as well as discontinuities. Some large-scale features are unambiguously related to a solar-coronal source: for example high-speed streams that recur with the solar rotation, or coronal mass ejections that are observed to be explosively blown out of the corona. In contrast, solar wind variations on medium times scales, i.e. minutes to hours, are variably attributed to (1) frozen in fossil coronal variations or (2) dynamic features that develop in the propagating solar wind. We wish to probe the viability of these two different physical descriptions by comparing ACE satellite measurements of suprathermal electrons (70 eV – 1.4 keV) with simultaneous observations of solar wind ions and magnetic field. Will the electrons show characteristic changes in association with magnetic discontinuities, ion composition boundaries, or velocity shears for example? Or will electrons exhibit variations uncorrelated to the ions and field? Through these comparisons we hope to shed new light on the nature of solar wind plasma.

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Mentor: Terry, Russ
General Interests: radiation measurements, detectors
Project Topics:

  • Characterization of a Silicon Carbide Detector

    Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising material for ionizing radiation measurements in harsh environments, including high radiation environments and extreme temperatures. However, compared to a more mature technology such as silicon, SiC crystal growth is prone to significant material defects which limit the performance of the crystal as a radiation sensor. Recent developments in thin film epitaxial growth of SiC crystals have yielded detector quality crystal on the order of 10's to 100's of microns thick. Such devices have been shown to be suitable for soft x-ray measurement, and custom sensors have been developed through a collaboration with the University of South Carolina. We have acquired several diodes and will test these at LANL through electronic characterization and measurements with radioactive sources.

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Mentor: Yiqun, Yu
General Interests:Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling, Radiation Belt Modeling
Project Topics:

  • Responses in the MI-coupling System to Interplanetary Transient Impact

    The transient changes in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field have significant impact on the terrestrial Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system. A sudden increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure results in a two-phase response in the terrestrial system, typically characterized by the emergence of two successive pairs of convectional cells with opposite polarities in the dayside high-latitude ionosphere and the bipolar variations of magnetic field perturbations on the ground. While the ionospheric react has been extensively explored and characterized, the two-phase response within the magnetosphere lacks clear identification. The work will examine the two-phase response in the magnetospheric magnetic and electric fields through in-situ measurements.

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Mentor: Zaharia, Sorin
General Interests:Plasma physics, inner magnetospheric physics, ring current
Project Topics:

  • Using Low- and High-altitude Measurements to Elucidate the Magnetic Connection Between Magnetosphere and Ionosphere

    Understanding magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction requires the ability to link magnetospheric and ionospheric/ground signatures through the magnetic field. This project seeks to improve the knowledge of this field by using low-altitude (FAST, DMSP) and high-altitude (Geotail, THEMIS) data to constrain a first principle three-dimensional magnetospheric plasma force balance model. Previous research using this model has employed equatorial plasma pressure to calculate the magnetic field in force balance with it. In this project we include additional observational constraints from low-altitude data that will greatly improve the magnetic field solutions. Specifically, particle measurements will be used to identify the “isotropy boundary,” a key concept providing constraints on both the field curvature in the plasma sheet and the magnetic mapping. Low-altitude magnetic field measurements from DMSP will allow the calculation of field-aligned current boundaries at the ionosphere and thus provide an additional observational constraint for the model.

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