Congressman Jim Bridenstine

Representing the 1st District of Oklahoma
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Bridenstine sees many holes in Obama's State of the Union

Feb 13, 2013
In The News

By Rick Couri

Bridenstine began by pointing out the slant of the President’s speech.

“It was the most liberal State of the Union speech I’ve ever heard” Bridenstine told KRMG news Wednesday morning.

And he didn’t stop there. “We have a President that wants to push a very liberal agenda and we need to use our majority in congress to stop it.”

Bridenstine wanted to make sure everyone understands that some of the Presidents words have more than one meaning.

“When he uses the word revenues he means taxes” the congressman began. “And when he uses the word investments he means spending” he went on.

Bridenstine says the bottom line for Obama is your money, and he wants more of it.

“He wants more spending, more borrowing, more printing of money because the borrowing isn’t sufficient at this point.”

Bridenstine pointed out that the call for more comes at a time when collections are already high. “We have the most tax revenue we’ve ever had in the history of the United States yet he still wants more taxes.”

The President had several guests at the speech, many were family members of those killed in high profile crime cases.

He used those examples to push gun control and that made the congressman bristle.

“He rolls out these victims in an effort to propose policies that will not prevent those crimes from happening.”

But as the President made his pitch Bridenstine kept his eyes focused on one man, Speaker John Boehner.

“While everyone else was up clapping he stayed sitting down, that indicated to me he won’t let that vote come to the floor of the house.”

Bridenstine promised that even if it did. He’ll swing away and fight for the Second Amendment.