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G8 - Resource Management

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Office Symbol: ARSO-RM
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-6308/6006
DSN Phone: 421-6308/6006
Fax:  (210) 295-6306
Email Address: usarso.g8@conus.army.mil


Mission Statement:


Formulate, Distribute, Review and Monitor the Utilization of All Manpower and Financial Resources for U.S. Army South; Perform Executive Agent Responsibilities for Base Operations Issues at JTF-Bravo, JTF-GTMO, and MILGPS; Serve as the Principal Advisor to the US Army South Commander, Staff, and Subordinate Commanders on all matters concerning Resources and Financial Management.

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