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September 02, 2011

  • Registration is open for the Pretreatment 101 Series: Pretreatment Standards - Local Limits Development Webcast - EPA is offering a webcast titled, "Pretreatment Standards - Local Limits Development" on Thursday, September 29, 2011, from 1:00-3:00 PM Eastern time. The webcast is intended for POTW personnel responsible for local pretreatment program implementation.

    The National Pretreatment Program regulations identify specific requirements that apply to industrial users. These requirements include 3 types of Pretreatment Standards (general and specific prohibitions, categorical pretreatment standards, and local limits). Of the 3 types of Standards, ?Local Limits? are the Pretreatment Standards that are developed by individual publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). Local limits are designed to prevent the discharge of pollutants that pass through, interfere with, or are otherwise incompatible with the POTWs. The federal regulations at 40 CFR 403.8(f)(4) and 122.44(j)(2)(ii) require POTWs to evaluate the need for local limits and, if necessary, to implement, and enforce specific limits as part of the program activities. This webcast provides an overview of the local limit development process, the implementation of local limits on discharges to POTWs, and the content of a local limit evaluation report. (This is a continuation of the Overview of Pretreatment Standards webcast.)

September 02, 2011

  • Registration is open for the Pretreatment 101 Series: Overview of Pretreatment Standards Webcast - EPA is offering a webcast titled, "Overview of Pretreatment Standards" on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, from 1:00-3:00 PM Eastern time. The webcast is intended to inform interested parties who might otherwise be unfamiliar with the requirements of the National Pretreatment Program.

    The National Pretreatment Program regulations identify specific requirements that apply to all industrial users, additional requirements that apply to all significant industrial users (SIUs), and certain requirements that apply to only categorical industrial users (CIUs). This webcast will define the 3 types of Pretreatment Standards (general and specific prohibitions, categorical pretreatment standards, and local limits), the users associated with them, and describe how these standards are applied. This is the first part of two webcasts discussing Pretreatment Standards. The second webcast will discuss local limits in more depth.

June 10, 2011

  • Registration is open for the Pretreatment 101 Series: Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program Webcast - EPA will host a webcast presentation on Thursday, June 30 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Eastern time. The webcast is designed to provide a brief overview of the National Pretreatment Program for interested parties, including but not limited to states, publicly owned treatment works (POTWs), and industry stakeholders, who are unfamiliar with the program's requirements. Topics covered during the webcast will include: how the Clean Water Act pertains to the National Pretreatment Program, an overview of the general pretreatment regulations (40 CFR Part 403), and POTW pretreatment program implementation requirements.

January 11, 2011

  • Registration Open for the Pretreatment 101 Series: POTW's Procedures for Conducting Compliance Monitoring Webcast - This webcast is the third in a series of webcasts that will discuss the federally required implementation procedures of a pretreatment program [40 CFR Part 403 and NPDES]. This webcast will discuss the regulatory background of the POTW's requirement to conduct compliance monitoring at industrial facilities, the required compliance monitoring frequencies for the different IU classifications (nonsignificant categorical industrial users, middle-tier categorical industrial users, categorical industrial users with monitoring waivers, and other significant industrial users), and monitoring procedures.

December 10, 2010

  • Registration Open for the Pretreatment 101 Series: POTW's Procedures for Conducting Compliance Inspections Webcast - This webcast is the second in a series of webcasts that will discuss the federally required implementation procedures of a pretreatment program [40 CFR Part 403 and NPDES]. This webcast will discuss the regulatory background of the POTW's requirement to conduct compliance inspections at industrial facilities, required compliance inspection frequencies for the different IU classifications (nonsignificant categorical industrial users, middle-tier categorical industrial users, categorical industrial users with monitoring waivers, and other significant industrial users), procedures for conducting compliance inspections, inspector responsibilities and qualifications, and procedures for handling confidential information.

May 27, 2008

January 01, 2007

  • EPA Model Pretreatment Ordinance - Guidance on municipal ordinances to implement and enforce a pretreatment program consistent with the Clean Water Act requirements. This document supercedes the June 1992 document of the same name. The Model Ordinance is available in 2 formats; the MS Word version contains line numbers and the Adobe Acrobat version does not. A municipality should not adopt this model ordinance verbatim. The MS Word version has been provided so a municipality may tailor the Model Ordinance to fit its own program. The line numbers are included to facilitate cross-referencing throughout the document and can be removed; instructions are enclosed in the introduction (EPA 833-B-06-002).

January 18, 2007

  • Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Fact Sheet 3.0: Equivalent Mass Limits for Concentration Limits [PDF - 119 KB - 6 pp] - This fact sheet describes the oversight actions Control Authorities must take for allowing facilities the conditional use of equivalent mass limits in lieu of concentration-based limits to facilitate adoption of water-saving technologies. The fact sheet specifies who might be affected by these provisions, provides definitions for key terms, and outlines the qualification and implementation processes for allowing the use of equivalent mass limits.

October 04, 2006

  • Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Fact Sheet 1.0: Summary of Changes Made Under the Streamlining Rule [PDF - 113 KB - 2 pp] - This fact sheet outlines the changes made to the Pretreatment Program at 40 CFR Part 403 under the Pretreatment Streamlining Rule. The fact sheet describes the general changes that were designed to reduce the overall regulatory burden on both Industrial Users and Control Authorities. Other fact sheets address specific changes and required program revisions in greater detail.

October 04, 2006

  • Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Fact Sheet 5.0: New Classifications for Categorical Industrial Users [PDF - 106KB - 4pp] - This fact sheet describes the oversight actions Control Authorities must take for newly established classes of indirect dischargers, including the “non-significant categorical Industrial User” (NSCIU) and the “Middle Tier” Categorical Industrial User (CIU). The fact sheet specifies who might be affected by these provisions, provides definitions for key terms, and outlines reporting, inspection, and sampling requirements for NSCIUs and Middle Tier CIUs.

February 14, 2006

  • Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Fact Sheet 2.0: Required Changes [PDF - 98 KB - 7 pp] - EPA is providing a series of fact sheets and frequently asked questions that will help anyone using this new rule to understand its provisions and how to implement them. This first fact sheet describes 13 Pretreatment Streamlining Rule changes that are more stringent than the pre-streamlining provisions in 40 CFR Part 403. These specific changes may require revisions to the appropriate state or POTW legal authorities or program documents. A general description of each change is included, along with a summary of what state or POTW follow-up actions are needed.

    Additional documents will be posted on this site as they are finalized.

November 02, 2005

  • Final Pretreatment Streamlining Rule [PDF - 408 KB - 66 pp] - On September 27, 2005, EPA signed and on October 14, 2005 published in the Federal Register final changes to its General Pretreatment Regulations. The final "pretreatment streamlining" rule is designed to reduce the burden to users; protect the environment; and provide more flexibility in technical and administrative requirements affecting industrial users, municipal sewage treatment facilities, and state and EPA authorities.

November 02, 2005

  • EPA Seeks Comments on Two Issues Concerning the Removal Credit Provisions in the General Pretreatment Regulations [PDF - 50 KB - 4 pp] - EPA is requesting public comment on whether to amend the list of pollutants for which removal credits are available to industrial dischargers. The pollutants that the Agency is requesting comments on are those that have previously passed EPA's exposure and hazard screening process. EPA is also soliciting comment on options to amend the "consistent removal" provision in the removal credits regulations to make it easier for municipalities to implement. The Agency will accept comments until December 13, 2005.

July 16, 2004

  • Local Limits Development Guidance [PDF - 134 pp] and Appendices [PDF - 128 pp] - The final Technically-Based Local Limits Guidance Manual for municipalities that operate pretreatment programs is now available. This manual provides guidance to municipalities on the development and implementation of local controls for discharges of industrial or commercial wastes to sewage treatment facilities.

September 01, 2003

August 01, 2002

  • Arizona DEQ Requested to Administer the NPDES Program. [PDF Format] Comments were submitted until September 16, 2002. A public hearing was held on September 4, 2002, at the Best Western Executive Park Hotel, 1100 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, Arizona, beginning at 1 p.m.

    All comments and requests were directed to: Mr. Matthew Mitchell (WTR-5), Water Division, EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. E-mail address:

    Copies of the documents available in electronic format are accessible at the ADEQ website at

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Last updated on January 24, 2006 11:00 AM