Biological and Environmental Sciences Directorate

News and Events

January 2013

November 2012

October 2012

September 2012

August 2012

July 2012

June 2012

May 2012

April 2012

March 2012

February 2012


News Archive

This news insert contains our monthly activities for the current year. Please visit our ETSD News and Events Archive for old topics

Energy & Transportation Science Division


The mission of the Energy and Transportation Science Division is to develop and deploy knowledge and technology that enables the transformation of our energy systems in a manner that allows America to achieve energy independence, energy security, global economic leadership and environmental sustainability. The challenge to reduce the nation’s energy use and to transition to alternative energy sources while supporting continued prosperity and mitigating environmental consequences is particularly urgent due to the rapid growth in the economies, and concomitant increased demand for resources, from some of the worlds largest developing nations. The expertise of ETSD’s 150 employees is concentrated in the following four Technology Centers:

  1. The Building Technologies Research and Integration Center

  2. The Power Electronics and Electrical Power Systems Research Center

  3. The Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center

  4. The Center for Transportation Analysis