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A Profile of Older Americans: 2010

Racial and Ethnic Composition

In 2009, 19.9% of persons 65+ were minorities--8.3% were African-Americans.** Persons of Hispanic origin (who may be of any race) represented 7.0% of the older population. About 3.4% were Asian or Pacific Islander,** and less than 1% were American Indian or Native Alaskan.** In addition, 0.6% of persons 65+ identified themselves as being of two or more races.

Only 7.3% of all the people who were minority race or of Hispanic ethnicity were 65+ in 2009 (8.8% of African-Americans,** 5.7% of Hispanics, 9.6% of Asians and Pacific Islanders,** 8.5% of American Indians and Native Alaskans,**), compared with 15.9% of non-Hispanic whites.**

(Data for this section were compiled from Internet releases of the Census 2009 Population Estimates).

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Last Modified: 2/25/2011 12:22:11 PM