Tag Archives: Foreign Trade Division

Getting Your Trade Data Sooner!!!

By: Melissa The U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division is pleased to announce that you will be getting your trade data sooner! Beginning in March 2013 with the January 2013 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT-900) report, monthly … Continue reading

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Survey Says…

Tell Us What You Think! Just a few weeks ago we sent out the 2012 Foreign Trade Division Customer Service Survey. Through this survey, we find out what you think about our customer support tools and services. Your responses gives … Continue reading

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FTR: Trade Term

By Omari In the Trade Term: EEI, I talked about all the different types of acronyms used in the export trade community. Some of you may still be trying to decipher that acronym-heavy sentence. This leads me to the Trade … Continue reading

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Tips when contacting the AES Call Center

By: Eric How often do you call 1-800-549-0595 when you have questions regarding filing EEI? Ever emailed askAES@census.gov because you need clarification on filing EEI? Support staff here at the Foreign Trade Division always aim to provide you accurate answers … Continue reading

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