Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman issued the following statement after voting to repeal the onerous 1099 mandate of the flawed health care law:

“For the second time in as many months, we have voted to repeal this bureaucratic nightmare.  In a time where job creation should be our number one priority, President Obama pursued his health care law and, in doing so, an agenda that stifles job creation even further.  Repeal of this onerous mandate will allow small business owners to focus on creating jobs, not filling out countless unnecessary IRS forms.”

“Americans have made it clear that the entire health care law needs to be repealed and replaced.  If we have to do that piecemeal, then so be it. Getting rid of this costly provision is a good start to correcting the gigantic mistakes made in the rush to force this law on America.”

Boozman is an original cosponsor of the Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act legislation authored by Sen. Mike Johanns (R-NE) that repeals the 1099 requirement. This bill was the basis for the amendment considered today in the U.S. Senate.

The National Taxpayer Advocate, a division of the IRS, estimates that 40 million businesses will be hit with additional paperwork as a result of this mandate.
