Neil Armstrong. Click through for image source.Today one of the most iconic explorers in human history was laid to rest during a private ceremony in his home state of Ohio.

In attendance to bid Neil Armstrong farewell was a small group of family and friends including his Apollo 11 crewmates Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins as well as John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth.

During the course of his career Neil Armstrong was a distinguished engineer, aviator, test pilot, professor, and astronaut, a loving and beloved family man.

He will of course be best remembered, indelibly throughout history, as the first human to step onto soil other than Earth’s, at 2:56 UTC, July 21, 1969. Despite that grand accomplishment he remained throughout his life what he had been before, a man of great grace and humility who recognized that his achievements were only possible because of the extensive labors of a very large, dedicated team.

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