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Blue Star Jobs Launches to support military spouse employment

Announcing a brand new partnership with the world's leading online workplace ... that means milspouse job seekers, polish your resume and get back to work! »»

Thoughts about military marriages ...

Everyone's favorite holiday is here ... okay maybe not everyone's. But, it's a good opportunity to think about your relationship. We'll help you get started ... »»

Military Saves Week is February 25 - March 2

Balanced your check book lately? Read through your credit report? Hmmm .. your financial health might be suffering. Get ready for Military Saves Week! »»

22 benefits extended to same sex partners

The Pentagon announced it's extending some benefits to same-sex military partners. »»

You Served For America, Now Teach For America.

Live out your continued commitment to service and apply today for Teach for America »»

"The Contagion Effect"

Suicide among military members and their families has reached a frightening level and much is being done to stem this tide - but is it working? And what's behind some of the deaths might surprise you. A think piece by a BSF'er. »»

Musings about the Truman Cancellation

Jen Hatzung just heard her husband won't be deploying after all. Is she happy about this? No ... read why! »»