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Army Emergency Relief (AER)

ARMY EMERGENCY RELIEF is a private nonprofit organization incorporated in 1942 by the Secretary of War and the Army Chief of Staff. AER's mission is to provide emergency financial I assistance.

Who Does AER Help?

  • Active duty soldiers, single or married, and their dependents
  • ARNG and USAR soldiers on active duty for more than 30 days and their dependents
  • Soldiers retired from active duty for longevity or physical disability, and their dependents
  • ARNG and USAR soldiers who retired at age 60, and their dependents
  • Surviving spouses and orphans of soldiers who died while on active duty or after they retired

What Can AER Do?

  • Help with emergency financial needs for:
    • Food, rent or utilities
    • Emergency transportation and vehicle repair
    • Funeral expenses
    • Medical/dental expenses
    • Personal needs when pay is delayed or stolen
  • Give undergraduate-level education scholarships, based primarily on financial need, to children of soldiers

What Can't AER Do?

  • Help pay for nonessentials
  • Finance ordinary leave or vacation Pay fines or legal expenses
  • Help liquidate or consolidate debt
  • Assist with house purchase or home improvements
  • Help purchase, rent or lease a vehicle
  • Cover bad checks or pay credit card bills

How Do I Find AER When I Need Help?

  • First, see your unit commander
  • Then, go to your AER Section
  • If there is no AER Section, go to any of the following:
    • American Red Cross Chapter
    • Air Force Aid Society Section
    • Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Auxiliary
    • Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Office

What Should I Bring With Me?

  • Military ID card
  • Leave and Earnings Statement
  • Leave/PCS orders
  • Substantiating documents (car repair estimate, rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)

How Long Does It Take To Get AER Help?

You can expect a quick decision on your request for assistance.

What Kind Of Assistance Can I Expect?

  • An interest-free loan
  • A grant (an outright gift of funds) if repayment of loan will cause undue hardship
  • Or, part loan and part grant

Is There A Dollar Limit On AER Help?

No. AER assistance will meet your emergency need.

Do I Have To Contribute To AER To Get Help?

No. If you are eligible for AER assistance and have a valid emergency need, AER will help you.

Does AER Get Its Money From The Government?

No. AER does not receive any appropriated or nonappropriated government money.

From Where Does AER Get Its Funds?

  • Voluntary contributions from active and retired soldiers
  • Repayment of AER interest-free loans
  • Income from investments
  • Unsolicited contributions

What Portion Of My Contribution Goes To Help Soldiers?

95¢ of every dollar contributed goes to help soldiers; AER expenses cost only 5¢.

How Can You Help AER?

  • Know about AER and how to get AER help when you have a financial emergency
  • Ensure your family members know about AER
  • Give your spouse a power of attorney for emergency use
  • Remind other soldiers, who have financial emergencies, about AER
  • Support AER with contributions
  • Encourage others to contribute to AER

What Is AER's Record Of Assistance?

  • Since it was established in 1942, AER has helped more than 2 million Army people with more than $500 million.
  • In 1994, AER assisted 58,000 Army reople with more than $33 million, specifically:
  • More than $28 million to active duty soldiers and their families
  • More than $3 million to retired soldiers and their families
  • More than $1 million to widow(ers) and orphans of deceased soldiers
The Army-wide annual AER fund campaign is
conducted 1 March - 15 May. You can con-
tribute to your local AER fund campaign or
send your contribution to AER National

For more information contact your local AER officer or

AER National Headquarters
Department of the Army
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22332-0600

Phone: 703-428-0000
DSN: 328-0000
Fax: 703-325-7183
DSN: 221-7183

Army Emergency Relief Headquarters External Link - Opens in New Window

Fort Gordon's Army Emergency Relief External Link - Opens in New Window