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2006 News Releases

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December 27, 2006
DOE Funds Projects Geared Toward Near-Zero Emissions Power Production
The Energy Department selected five projects totaling nearly $12 million targeting cost-effective technologies to improve the performance and economics of near-zero emission, coal-based power generation systems.

December 15, 2006
DOE Estimates Future Freshwater Needs to Meet Thermoelectric Power Demand
In support of an emerging energy-water research program, DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory has updated its groundbreaking 2004 study estimating future freshwater requirements for the U.S. thermoelectric generation sector.

December 12, 2006
DOE-Funded 'Microhole' Drilling Rig Demonstrated Successfully in Midcontinent
A DOE-funded technology that could change the way America's oil and natural gas wells are drilled has been successfully demonstrated in the Nation's Midcontinent region.

December 06, 2006
DOE Advances Production of Hydrogen from Coal
The Department of Energy today announced the selection of six research and development projects that will promote the production of hydrogen from coal at large-scale facilities.

December 04, 2006
DOE Project Revives Oil Production in Abandoned Fields on Osage Tribal Lands
A technology developed with DOE funding has revived oil production in two abandoned oilfields on Osage Indian tribal lands in northeastern Oklahoma.

November 30, 2006
Energy and Treasury Secretaries Announce the Award of $1 Billion in Tax Credits to Promote Clean Coal Power Generation
Samuel Bodman and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson today announced the awarding of $1 billion in federal tax incentives to nine companies to bring about rapid deployment of advanced coal-based power generation and gasification technologies.

November 29, 2006
DOE Selects Six Projects Under University Coal Research Program
DOE announced today that six projects will receive nearly $2.4 million in funding under the University Coal Research Program, the Department's longest-running student-teacher research grant initiative.

November 27, 2006
Energy Department Approves Full-Scale Demonstration of Coal Dryer
The U.S. Department of Energy has given the go-ahead to Great River Energy to conduct the first-ever full-scale demonstration of the utility company's innovative coal drying technology.

November 16, 2006
DOE-Funded Project Honored with Environmental Stewardship Award
A DOE funded project has been honored with a major national award for superior environmental stewardship related to oil and natural gas operations.

October 31, 2006
Department of Energy Advances Commercialization of Climate Change Technology
DOE Assistant Secretary Jeffrey Jarrett today announced the Department's support of seven tests in North America to advance carbon sequestration technologies while attending the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.

October 23, 2006
Secretary of Energy Announces Nearly $24 Million in Grants for Carbon Sequestration Research
Secretary Bodman today announced the selection of nine projects totaling nearly $24 million aimed at developing novel and cost-effective technologies to capture CO2 produced in coal-fired power plants.

October 19, 2006
Four Minority Universities Selected for Fossil Energy Research Grants
DOE today awarded grants to four institutions for energy research through the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions program.

October 15, 2006
Three NETL-Supported Technologies Win R&D 100 Awards
Three technologies developed with support from NETL have earned prestigious R&D 100 Awards from R&D Magazine.

October 13, 2006
DOE Project Injects 700 Tons of Carbon Dioxide Into Texas Sandstone Formation
Researchers to Determine the Ability of Brine Formations to Sequester Greenhouse Gas

October 04, 2006
DOE, Industry Consortium Project Deploys New Stripper Well Tool
A novel technology developed through a joint government and industry venture has demonstrated significant cost and production benefits for lower-producing wells, called "stripper" wells.

October 04, 2006
DOE-Funded Technology to Upgrade Low-Quality Natural Gas Commercialized
A new Department of Energy-funded technology to upgrade low-quality natural gas—a resource that accounts for almost one-third of America's known gas reserves—has been successfully commercialized and is now a multimillion-dollar business.

October 04, 2006
DOE-Funded Technology Improves Directional Drilling Efficiency, Safety
A new Department of Energy-funded technology has demonstrated the capability to dramatically reduce costs and improve safety and efficiency in drilling America's oil and natural gas wells.

September 20, 2006
Government-Industry Partnership Reaches Key Milestone in Fuel Cell Development
Delphi Corp. of Troy , Mich. , has achieved all of its goals for solid oxide fuel cell performance, efficiency, and cost during phase I of its project in the Department of Energy's Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) program. The achievement is a significant step toward the SECA goal of a market-ready, affordable solid oxide fuel cell by 2010 and enables Delphi to enter phase II of the SECA program.

September 12, 2006
Critical Carbon Sequestration Assessment Begins: Midwest Partnership Looks at Appalachian Basin for Safe Storage Sites
Tapping into rock formations at sites thousands of feet deep, a government-industry team is using seismic testing to help determine whether those sites can safely store CO2.

September 7, 2006
DOE Funds Six New Projects Aimed at Alternate Hydrogen Production and Utilization
DOE today announced the selection of six R&D projects that will aid in alternate hydrogen production and greater hydrogen utilization.

September 6, 2006
A Two-For-One Solution....
Alabama Project Plans to Store Carbon Dioxide, Boost Oil Production

August 22, 2006
2006 Carbon Sequestration Technology Roadmap
Novel carbon dioxide capture technologies and the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships are just two of the many items highlighted in the updated Carbon Sequestration Technology Roadmap and Program Plan and Carbon Sequestration Project Portfolio recently released by the National Energy Technology Laboratory.

August 14, 2006
Tax Credit Programs Promote Coal-Based Power Generation Technologies
Energy Department Assists Internal Revenue Service in Project Selection

August 07, 2006
New Projects to Uncover the Potential of America's Methane Hydrate Resource
DOE today announced the selection of six cost-shared research and development projects that seek to unlock a huge potential source of hydrocarbon energy: methane hydrate.

August 2, 2006
Department of Energy Tracks Resurgence of Coal-Fired Power Plants
Updated Database Shows 153 New Plants, 93 Gigawatts of Capacity Proposed by 2025

July 24, 2006
Energy Department Awards Project in Power Plant Improvement Initiative
Technology Focuses on Nation's 500 Small Coal-Burning Energy Producers

July 17, 2006
DOE Selects Projects Targeting America's "Tight" Gas Resources
Research to Help Unlock Nation's Largest Growing Source of Natural Gas 

July 13, 2006
DOE Researchers Developing Technology to Safely Detect Flaws in Plastic Gas Pipelines
DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory is developing the first technology that can detect flaws in plastic natural gas pipelines without disrupting pipeline operations.

June 26, 2006
Sequestration Test to Demonstrate Carbon Dioxide Storage While Increasing Oil Production
The first geologic sequestration project to occur under the guidance of the Department of Energy's Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships program is taking place in Alberta, Canada.

June 22, 2006
DOE Selects Projects Targeting Deep Natural Gas Resources
DOE today announced the selection of seven cost-shared research and development projects targeting America's vast but technologically daunting deep natural gas resources.

June 13, 2006
DOE Projects Provide Stepping Stone to America's Hydrogen Economy
DOE-funded research is tweaking an old technology to develop new supplies of ultra-clean liquid transportation fuels from both coal and natural gas --and in the process provide a new source of non-polluting hydrogen energy.

June 8, 2006
DOE Initiative Targets Ultra-Low Environmental Impacts of Oil & Gas Recovery
DOE has selected three research projects designed to demonstrate a new operating paradigm for America's oil and natural gas producers: finding and producing oil and gas with ultra-low environmental impact.

June 5, 2006
Novel Treatment of Fly Ash Yields Safer, Salable Product
Developed with funding from DOE, a novel approach to improving coal-combustion fly ash was successfully tested at near full-scale levels.

June 1, 2006
Fuel Cell Projects Address Barriers to Commercial Use
DOE announces the selection of six R&D projects expected to further enhance low cost, solid-oxide fuel cell technology â€“moving it one step closer to commercialization.  The projects, part of DOE's Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance, build upon earlier Phase I research on fuel cell materials and key components. 

May 30, 2006
DOE-Funded R&D Will Help Producers Tap America's Deep Natural Gas Resources
A Department of Energy research program has achieved major milestones in the development of "smart" tools that can withstand extreme temperatures, pressures and other harsh conditions in the search for, and production of, huge gas resources lying three to five miles below the earth's surface.

May 24, 2006
Advanced Coal Dryer Boosts Power Plant Performance
Engineers at a power plant in North Dakota have begun the first continuous operation of an innovative clean coal technology drying system that uses the plant's excess heat to wring moisture from the incoming coal.

May 23, 2006
PPL Corporation Joins FutureGen Industrial Alliance
Power generator PPL Corporation becomes the tenth member of the non-profit consortium of global electric utilities and coal companies working with DOE to site and develop the FutureGen plant. 

May 17, 2006
We Energies Begins Operational Phase of Mercury Control Test in Michigan Coal-Fired Power Plant
The nation's first full-scale test of the patented TOXECON" pollution control process began operations at the We Energies Presque Isle Power Plant located in Marquette, MI.

May 15, 2006
DOE-Funded Technology That 'Looks Ahead' of Drillbit Commercialized
A DOE-funded technology that establishes a "downhole Internet" for drilling oil and natural gas wells is now available for commercial use.

May 12, 2006
Coal Gasification Plant Returns $79 Million to DOE in Revenue-Sharing Gas Sales
A coal gasification plant purchased from DOE in 1988 recently paid millions of dollars to DOE as part of a revenue sharing agreement.

April 13, 2006
Computer Program Provides Insight Into "Fire Ice"
The first publicly available simulator of its kind, the TOUGH-Fx/Hydrate program is helping researchers and industry partners better understand an emerging natural gas resource: methane hydrates.

March 10, 2006
DOE-Funded Project Revives Aging California Oilfield
Technology developed under a U.S. Department of Energy-funded research project has breathed new life into one of America's largest mature producing oilfields.

February 27, 2006
FuelCell Energy Inc. Project Chosen as Part of DOE's Coal-Based Fuel Cell Program
DOE today announced FuelCell Energy, Inc. has been selected to research, develop, and demonstrate fuel cell technologies that can support power systems with capacities of 100 megawatts or more.

February 24, 2006
NETL Technologies are Key to President Bush's Energy Policy
During a visit today to DOE's NETL in Morgantown, West Virginia, Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Jeffrey Jarrett promoted the President's new Advanced Energy Initiative.

February 22, 2006
Florida Clean Coal Plant Underway
Representatives of the Energy Department and Southern Company signed a cooperative agreement that launches the design, construction, and demonstration of one of the cleanest coal-fired power plants in the world.

February 13, 2006
DOE Launches Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Initiative
The Department of Energy today announced it is launching a new research effort aimed at maximizing U.S. oil and natural gas production while sequestering significant quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2).

February 8, 2006
FutureGen Industrial Alliance Announces Site Selection Process for World's First "Zero Emissions" Coal Plant
The FutureGen Industrial Alliance announced a site selection process to determine the host site for the world's first coal-fueled "zero emissions" power plant. A Request for Proposals is targeted for release in March 2006, with proposals due by May 2006.

February 3, 2006
DOE Selects Projects to Reduce Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants
In a continued effort to promote clean coal technologies, DOE has selected 12 projects aimed at reducing mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants.

January 19, 2006
Significant Milestone Achieved in SECA Fuel Cell Development Program
A prototype of the first fuel cell capable of being manufactured at a cost approaching that of conventional stationary power technology has been successfully tested as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Solid State Energy Conversation Alliance (SECA) program.

January 13, 2006
DOE Announces Commercial Success in Deep Trek Program
A "supercement" developed in DOE's Deep Trek program has been commercially applied by several companies during recent drilling operations to stop seal failures in wells at depths up to 2 miles.