Resources for Educators

beach seine

Beach Seine

NOAA Fisheries Panama City offers outreach and education to local educators and their students FREE OF CHARGE. These activities play a vital role in increasing environmental stewardship by addressing Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Ocean Literacy Principles as well as enhance educational experiences by placing emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. A list of specific benchmarks for each activity can be provided via your request.

Beach Seine Field Trips: Join NOAA staff to pull a 400 square foot beach seine through the sea grass beds of St. Andrew Bay. Students will be introduced to the importance of sea grass in the marine environment, as well as have a hands-on experience with its flora and fauna. This activity focuses on Big Ideas 1, 6, 14, 15, 17, and 18. We can accommodate large groups (up to 75) in a rotation fashion with 15 students per group and lasts 30-45 min per rotation. We host the field trips during the spring, summer, and fall at state, county, or city parks and recreation areas along the bay. This activity is most appropriate for grades 2-12.

Pulling the Seine

Pulling the Beach Seine

Laboratory Tours:Visit our facility and for an introduction to fisheries research. This activity is appropriate for grades 7 -12 and can be hosted anytime during the year. Tours run approx. 2 hrs and cover Big Ideas 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 15, and 17. In addition to the facility tour, we offer “Turtle Tours” every June while loggerhead sea turtles are visiting our facility from Galveston, Texas. This up close and personal account with this protected species is appropriate for all grade levels and focuses on Big Ideas 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Marine Touch Tanks: We can bring live marine touch tanks to you during the spring, summer, and fall months and is appropriate for grades K through 6. This activity can accommodate up to 200 students in groups of 12-15 students. This activity focuses on Big Ideas 1, 6, 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Turtle tours

Turtle Tours

Classroom Presentations: Let us come to your facility to give presentations on various marine topics during cooler months of the year. Appropriate for grades 6-12. We can accommodate 40 students. This activity focuses on (but is not limited to) Big Ideas 1, 2, 6, 7, 15, 17, and 18.

Touch Tanks

Touch Tanks


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For more information, please contact the Michelle Duncan.



Education and Outreach webpage content created by Carrie Fioramonti and Michelle Duncan.

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