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Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School


Papers and Reports

If your presentation or paper has received funding from the Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School and is not listed here, please send it to swx-school@lanl.gov and we will add it here.

Annual Reports

Papers, Posters, Presentations

  • Chang, O., S. Peter Gary, and J. Wang (2011), Whistler turbulence forward cascade: Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L22102, doi:10.1029/2011GL049827.
  • Brian A. Larsen; Miles A. Engel; Charles D. Munson; Thomas E. Cayton; Steven Morley (2011) Solar Energetic Particle Trapping in the Magnetosphere: What Spectral Differences Tell Us About Mechanisms, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, SH31B-2009.
  • Miles Engel; Brian A. Larsen (2011) Solar Energetic Particles Trapping in the Magnetosphere, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, SH31B-2015.
  • Liheng Zheng; Sorin G. Zaharia; Frank Toffoletto (2011) Magnetospheric structure during substorm growth phase inferred from satellite observed pressures, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, SM12A-05.

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