IRS Products Corner


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$30.00 - DVD-ROM

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* Call NTIS at 1-877-233-6767
   or (703) 605-6000

* Most major credit cards accepted.
* Fax your order form to (703) 605-6900.


  • Only one release will be made, shipped late Feb 2013 or early March 2013.

Content Cut-off Dates

Customers should download tax products that were revised and issued after the issuance of the Tax Products DVD. The cut-off dates for the content of the DVD are projected to be:

  • Final release: February 12, 2013

Not all tax products are included on the DVD due to scheduling conflicts or late legislation. Tax Products issued after the final release of Publication 1796 are available at Forms and Publications.

About IRS Tax Map

IRS Tax Map began in 2002 as a prototype to address the business need for improved access to tax law technical information by our telephone assistors. Tax Map is built on two technologies: semantic integration and the Topic Maps international standard (ISO/IEC 13250).



IRS began implementing standard markup languages and creating structured content for our tax law information in the late 1980s. XML/SGML has allowed IRS to standardize document syntax and structure but additional standards were needed to integrate our information sources. IRS chose the Topic Maps international standard for IRS Tax Map.


IRS Tax Map

IRS Tax Map is a web presentation of an underlying "topic map", best understood as a kind of subject-oriented database - a database designed to organize information around subjects of interest to taxpayers. Each subject has a "topic page" in Tax Map. This page provides central access to everything that Tax Map knows about the subject. It may have links to the topic pages of related topics, as well as to relevant forms, instructions, and publications. The Tax Map production process adapts to the different kinds of information produced by the various groups at IRS and incorporates input and feedback from IRS Tax Specialists and Tax Map users. Adherence to the principles of the ISO Topic Maps standard protects the value of this knowledge, allowing it to be exploited and maintained under changing conditions.