US, Philippine service members demonstrate interoperability for Philippine President

By Lance Cpl. Anthony Ward Jr. | | April 22, 2011

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His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III, president of the Philippines, talks with with Col. Stephen M. Neary, commander of the Marine forces and of 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, at a live-fire demonstration, part of Exercise Balikatan 2011, here April 13.

His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III, president of the Philippines, talks with with Col. Stephen M. Neary, commander of the Marine forces and of 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, at a live-fire demonstration, part of Exercise Balikatan 2011, here April 13. (Photo by Lance Cpl. Anthony Ward Jr.)

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FORT MAGSAYSAY, Philippines -- U.S. service members combined with the Armed Forces of the Philippines conducted multiple training scenarios, including a live-fire demonstration and mass casualty evacuation, during Exercise Balikatan 2011 here April 13 for Republic of the Philippines’ President Benigno S. Aquino III.

Balikatan 2011 is an annual bilateral training exercise between the AFP and U.S. military to maintain operational readiness and strengthen the U.S.-Philippine relationship.

The Marine forces were comprised of III Marine Expeditionary Force units, the majority based in Okinawa, Japan.

The day’s events began with a live-fire convoy operation, utilizing explosive route-clearing devices, which simulated a resupply run through enemy obstacles.

“What we saw today was the Philippine Army, Philippine Marine Corps and U.S. Marine Corps forces operating in a convoy, and get engaged by the enemy,” said Col. Stephen M. Neary, commander of Marine forces. “The lead security element dealt with the enemy situation, cleared the obstacle by using the [anti-personnel obstacle breaching system], and then allowed for the [humanitarian and disaster relief] supplies to continue with the mission.”

The live demonstration was the culminating event that highlighted the purpose of Balikatan, bringing AFP and U.S. forces together, said Neary.

The demonstration continued with a scenario involving a mock mass casualty evacuation in response to an improvised explosive device attack.

The event showcased the knowledge shared between the U.S. and AFP, said Petty Officer 3rd Class Francesco Tancock, a tactical combat casualty care trainer with 3rd Medical Battalion, Combat Logistics Regiment 3, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III MEF.

“They are motivated and eager to learn,” said Tancock of his AFP counterparts.

The Philippine forces were effective in tactical combat casualty care, and it was displayed during the mass casualty drill, Tancock added.
The event highlighted both the lethal and non-lethal capabilities of each nation’s fighting force, said Neary.

Later, Marines demonstrated Marine Corps Martial Arts techniques, the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles and the abilities of the shock trauma platoon to assess and provide treatment to wounded service members.

“It’s about building camaraderie,” said Neary. “Working with the community and developing relationships with the Philippine forces and people creates a strong bond.”

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