United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The Power of Truth: 20 Years
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The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students



The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students

Organized by theme, this site uses text, historical photographs, maps, images of artifacts, and audio clips to provide an overview of the Holocaust. It is the first step in a growing resource for middle and secondary level students and teachers, with content that reflects the history as it is presented in the Museum’s Permanent Exhibition, The Holocaust.

Nazi Rule
Hitler Comes to Power
The Nazi Terror Begins
SS Police State
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship
Nazi Racism
World War II in Europe
The Murder of the Handicapped
German Rule in Occupied Europe

Jews in Prewar Germany
Jewish Life in Europe Before the Holocaust
The Boycott of Jewish Businesses
The Nuremberg Race Laws
The "Night of Broken Glass"
The Evian Conference
Voyage of the St. Louis
Locating the Victims

The "Final Solution"
Ghettos in Poland
Life in the Ghettos
Mobile Killing Squads
The Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution"
At the Killing Centers

Nazi Camp System
Prisoners of the Camps
"Enemies of the State"
Forced Labor
Death Marches
The Survivors
The Nuremberg Trials

Rescue and Resistance
Rescue in Denmark
Jewish Partisans
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Killing Center Revolts
The War Refugee Board
Resistance inside Germany


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This site is available in عربي (Arabic), فارسی (Farsi), اُردو (Urdu), Español (Spanish), Türkçe (Turkish), Русский (Russian), Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), Português (BR) (Portuguese), 简体中文 (Chinese).

Please also visit the Museum’s Education page and the Holocaust Encyclopedia.