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News > Message from wing commander on civilian workforce adjustments
Message from wing commander on civilian workforce adjustments

Posted 11/4/2011   Updated 11/4/2011 Email story   Print story


special Brig. Gen. Matt Molloy
18 WG/CC

11/4/2011 - KADENA AIR BASE, Japan  -- 
Shogun Family 

In August, I sent a message regarding the Air Force 90-day civilian hiring
freeze and I want to provide another update on the latest changes impacting
our civilian workforce.

The Air Force recently announced several adjustments to the civilian
workforce. "In response to direction from the Secretary of Defense for DoD
to stop civilian growth above fiscal year 2010 levels and the need to add
5,900 positions against the Air Force's top priorities, the Air Force
eliminated approximately 9,000 positions. These adjustments reflect several
initiatives designed to align limited resources based on Air Forces
priorities. This process is an ongoing effort to increase efficiencies,
reduce overhead and eliminate redundancy."

Where we are right now:

- The "90-day civilian hiring freeze" that took effect on 11 August 11 is
expected to continue beyond the initial three month period. After the
hiring freeze is eventually lifted, we expect the hiring controls will be
reinstated--but even that is not certain.

- Across the Air Force, measures are being taken to still accomplish our
mission within new budget constraints. Temporary and term appointments,
reemployed annuitant positions and overhire positions are being reviewed and
eliminated where possible. However, additional permanent positions are also
being identified for elimination.

- The Civilian Personnel and Manpower Offices are working closely with the
individual units, taking measures to reduce the impact to our civilian
workforce. While a reduction in force may become necessary, we are pursuing
RIF-avoidance measures including, but not limited to, management directed
reassignments to vacant positions, denial of overseas extensions, and
management initiated early return for employees with return rights. Should
a RIF become necessary, we expect it would be effective no earlier than late
spring 2012.

- We are making every effort to use voluntary means to achieve the
reductions. We will finalize the first round of voluntary measures in early
November and those individuals approved for VERA/VSIP will separate by 31
December 12. Remember that a reduction of civilian positions does not
directly equate to the involuntary loss of people. Many positions
designated to be cut are currently vacant. The combined result of normal
civilian attrition and hiring controls continue to create additional

- We have taken the initial steps to help shape our future Air Force.
Undoubtedly, tomorrow's Air Force will operate in a different manner. We
are looking at standardizing levels of service for specific functions across
installations, consolidating base support activities where feasible as well
as tailoring installation support commensurate with services readily
available in the surrounding local community. That said, the Air Force will
continue to rely on a tightly integrated, civilian-military workforce to
provide unmatched Airpower to protect and defend our Nation.

- We will continue with our strategic civilian workforce review and define
the remaining reductions. As a result, another round of VERA/VSIP may be
offered in an effort to shape the civilian workforce vis-à-vis fiscal
reality. Moreover, all Air Force members--military, civilians and
contractors alike--should expect continued workforce shaping measures to meet
future end strength requirements.

In order to ensure that civilian employees are prepared for what is coming
and to provide accurate and the most up-to-date information, we will conduct
a series of town hall meetings in the coming days. We encourage maximum
attendance; employees should plan to attend one of these sessions:

· Tuesday, 8 Nov 11, Noon, location TBD

· Wednesday, 9 Nov 11, 1800 at the Schilling Community Center Ballroom

· Thursday, 10 Nov 11, 1600, location TBD

I know this is a difficult time, especially for our civilian workforce. I
ask for your continued patience and cooperation, and that you continue to be
great wingmen. Thank you for what you do every day to make the mission
happen and in keeping America safe and secure.

With highest regards,

Brig Gen Matt Molloy
18th Wing Commander

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