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Agenda for 1-18-12 Forum Meeting

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Department of Commerce Labor-Management Forum

January 18, 2012 Meeting, Herbert C. Hoover Building

Room 4830



Approval of September 21, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Commerce Updates – (30 minutes)

VERA/VSIP, Resume Bank - Bill Fleming

Budget Update – Scott Quehl

Office of Personnel Management Review of Commerce Labor Management Forum – Dan Sobien & Andrew Winer (10 minutes)

Telework – (20 minutes)

Go-To Team – Danette Campbell

Travel Policy Revisions & Travel Savings – Mary Pleffner (15 minutes)

Reports from Working Groups (30 minutes)

    ² Innovation – Co-Chair, Robert Budens and Ted Johnson

      Child Care/Elder Care

      Gainsharing Ideas from Bureaus

      Idea Generation: Census Ideas

    ² Metrics – Co-Chairs, Randy Myers & Bill Fleming

      Employee Viewpoint Survey Results

    ² Communications – Co-Chairs, Howard Friedman & Anne Rung

Other (5 minutes)

New Business (5 minutes)

Agenda for Next Meeting (5 minutes)

Call in number 1-866-721-1484

Passcode 6358769#

Next Meeting: April 18, 2012

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