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Mark Warner - Washington, DC

Mark Warner
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Mark WarnerSee All
    • Joseph Hoefling
       An example for you to follow Senator Warner! Lead by bravery and not fear!
      40 minutes ago
    • Nancy Jones Burns
       Tell Congressman Barrow to Reject NRA Blood Money
      53 minutes ago
    • Cliff Bigneck Northern
      4 hours ago
    • Mason Forrest
      if guns dont save lives then why are we a free country,i havent seen congress or any other person in Fed govt on the front line with our troops.It's them and there guns and love ones at home praying to God to keep them safe.Thats right you want to take God away too.Open your eyes they dont care about us,take our country back people its all most lost
      1 · 5 hours ago
    • Cliff Bigneck Northern
      6 hours ago
  2. I am happy to invite Sara Jane Arnett, winner of the Heroes at Home Military Spouse award, to be one of my guests at the Presidential Inauguration. Sara Jane is a remarkable leader in the network of military families who do so much to stren...gthen communities across Virginia. All of us value Capt. Arnett’s military service as he participates in his third overseas deployment. I am so honored to have this opportunity to salute the supportive role played by our military spouses and families here at home, and I look forward to joining Sara Jane and her son at the Inauguration ceremony. [Photo: Sara Jane and Samuel Arnett. Credit: Flagship and Military Newspapers of Virginia]See More
    Photo: I am happy to invite Sara Jane Arnett, winner of the Heroes at Home Military Spouse award, to be one of my guests at the Presidential Inauguration. Sara Jane is a remarkable leader in the network of military families who do so much to strengthen communities across Virginia. All of us value Capt. Arnett’s military service as he participates in his third overseas deployment.  I am so honored to have this opportunity to salute the supportive role played by our military spouses and families here at home, and I look forward to joining Sara Jane and her son at the Inauguration ceremony.  [Photo: Sara Jane and Samuel Arnett. Credit: Flagship and Military Newspapers of Virginia]
  3. Happy 70th birthday to the Pentagon - largest office building in NoVA and Virginia... and USA!
  4. It is very disappointing that this bipartisan legislation has been blocked at the starting point of a two-year process that would allow Virginia voters to weigh in on a commonsense step already in place in virtually every other state. Rest...oring voting privileges to people who have completed their sentences, paid their fines, made restitution and lived as law-abiding citizens is the right thing to do, and that’s why I made it a high priority when I served as Governor.See More
  5. “We ended up with something that avoided the worst consequences of the fiscal cliff, but candidly didn’t get the job done," Senator Warner said. "My hope would be that rather than waiting until the eleventh and a half hour [to get a deal], that there could be a more bipartisan effort coming out of the center that could actually get a hearing on the floor of the Senate or the House.” (staff)
  6. Warner said the bill would "show to the federal workforce that we're not just simply trying to be additive, that we're actually trying to eliminate some of the outdated and some cases repetitive, ridiculous requirements we, as Congress, have put before folks." (staff)
  7. Over the years, federal agencies have been instructed to expend considerable staff time and other resources producing thousands of reports, yet we never look back to see if these reporting requirements might be outdated, duplicative, or ev...en relevant. If these reports are sitting on a shelf collecting dust, then it’s time for them to go. Congress should take every opportunity to create a more effective and efficient government, and the elimination of these outdated reports is one step in that direction.See More
  8. Senator Tim Kaine assured Senator Warner yesterday that he knew who was now the JUNIOR senator from Virginia. (staff)
    Photo: Senator Tim Kaine assured Senator Warner yesterday that he knew who was now the JUNIOR senator from Virginia. (staff)
  9. Senator Warner is proud to welcome Tim Kaine to the Senate. Photo: walking to Capitol today with former Senator Jim Webb (staff)
    Photo: Senator Warner is proud to welcome Tim Kaine to the Senate. Photo: walking to Capitol today with former Senator Jim Webb (staff)
  10. Hundreds of Virginia homeowners have been put through hell after building or repairing their homes with toxic drywall. Our bipartisan legislation should ensure that, in the future, more Virginians will not have to go through similar nightmares. This legislation helps make sure that unsafe drywall won’t be sold in the future, and that the manufacturers of tainted drywall will be held accountable.
  11. The Senate has acted to avoid the immediate fiscal cliff, but this
    negotiated agreement does little to address our deficits and it does
    not raise enough revenue to put our country on a path to reduce our
    long-term debt.

    In coming weeks, we still must reach agreement on steps to generate
    more revenues, make additional spending cuts, and strengthen and
    reform our entitlement programs so successful programs like Medicare
    and Social Security will still exist 30 years from now.

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