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Neighborhood Stabilization Program Technical Assistance

The Neighborhood Stabilization Program-Technical Assistance (NSP-TA) program was established to provide practitioner assistance to NSP grantees and their affiliates. On September 26, 2008, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocated $3.92 billion dollars of targeted emergency assistance to state and local governments to acquire and redevelop foreclosed properties that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight within their communities.

NSP-TA is authorized by Title XII of Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-005, enacted February 17, 2009 (the Recovery Act). In August 2009 HUD awarded a total of $50 million under NSP-TA to national and local technical assistance providers. A list of the providers and the grant amounts they received are included in the August 26, 2009 HUD press release.

HUD's NSP-TA grants are intended to:

  • Help NSP grantees to implement sound underwriting, management, and fiscal controls;
  • Measure outcomes in the use of public funds through accurate and timely reporting;
  • Build the capacity of public-private partnerships;
  • Develop strategies to serve low-income households;
  • Incorporate energy efficiency into State and local NSP programs;
  • Provide support, technical assistance, and training on the operation and management of 'land banks;'
  • Train grantees and their subgrantees on HUD program rules and financial management requirements; and
  • Assist grantees and their subgrantees to develop materials on energy conservation or other Departmental or programmatic priorities.

NSP Resource Exchange

NSP Resource Exchange is a one-stop shop for the information and resources needed by NSP grantees, subrecipients and developers to purchase, rehabilitate, and resell foreclosed properties. There are three primary components to the Resource Exchange site including:

  • Find a Resource - a database of policy guidance, practitioner support tools and training materials developed by HUD and technical assistance providers who specialize in NSP-related activities. It can be browsed by topic, audience, or type of information.
  • Ask a Question a feature that can be used to direct users to previously asked questions based on the user's questions. It also provides users with a question form that can be submitted electronically for those questions and answers that are not listed on the website.
  • Request TA a mechanism by which users can communicate with technical assistance providers and request support in implementing NSP activities
The NSP Resource Exchange can also be used to learn about upcoming events related to NSP and coming soon the site will feature tool kits for designing programs and implementing activities.