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Preserving a Free and Open Internet [video]

December 2nd, 2010 by George Krebs

In his clarion call yesterday morning Chairman Julius Genachowski laid out a proposal for basic rules of the road to preserve the open Internet as a platform for innovation, investment, job creation, competition, and free expression.

These rules rest on three basic tenets:
1) Americans have the freedom to access lawful content on the Internet, without discrimination
2) Consumers have the right to basic information about your broadband service
3) The Internet will remain a level playing field.

This proposal is deeply rooted in history. The grounding ideas were first articulated by Republican Chairmen Powell and Martin and, in 2005, endorsed in a unanimous FCC policy statement. Chairman Genachowski cited the many months of hard work leading up to this moment – hard work across government, industry and broadband providers – and the substantial response received from the engaged public.

Watch the HD video below
(This is cross-posted on the Open Internet Blog. Please leave comments there.)

6 Responses to “Preserving a Free and Open Internet [video]”

  1. Guest says:

    * First, the rules need to extend full Net Neutrality protections to both wired and wireless Internet users.
    * Second, they must have stronger language to prohibit "paid prioritization" schemes, which give phone and cable companies the power to pick winners and losers on the Internet.
    * Third, they must close massive loopholes for "specialized services" that allow industry to discriminate unfairly online.
    * Finally, they must ensure that Net Neutrality rests on a secure legal foundation that can withstand a court challenge.

  2. Guest says:

    Thirty senators have signed a letter making it clear that should the Federal Communications Commission implement “net neutrality” regulations during its December 21st meeting, the GOP will force a confrontation on the Senate floor over the rules. Doing so would provide insight into how Republicans, as a minority in the Senate, leverage its control over the House of Representatives to hamstring attempts by the executive branch to rule by regulatory fiat.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2010/12/16/senate-gop-likely-to-force-confrontation-over-fcc-net-neutrality-rules/#ixzz18LUtGTUJ

  3. Guest says:

    don't try to regulate the internet, it's been doing just fine without your meddling.

  4. Guest DD says:

    Don't touch what isn't broke... Govt alway destroy's what it sticks it nose in when it isn't needed...
    What is it with u people in Wash. under the present administration.. U have to "Control" our life...............

  5. FLRP says:

    Comcast regularly violates my net access rights by throttling my download rate (to 10-20% of "normal") at various hours of the day, particularly evening. As a result, using multiple devices during these times is impossible (see the Comcast ad satirizing ATT's U-Verse - Comcast is far worse than U-Verse).

    Since most big businesses will shaft the little-guy consumer, regulations are necessary to preserve user access rights and "get what we pay for." For me, a rule prohibiting throttling would be one way of achieving "net-neutrality" for everyone.

  6. May says:

    Please leave our Internet alone. Thank you very much!

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