Monday, November 12, 2012

TSA Veterans Still Proudly Serving

Veterans Day poster. Honering All Who Served.Whether in times of war or peace, seeing our military men and women in uniform often compels us, each in our own way, to recognize them for their sacrifice. Maybe you’ve seen a spontaneous round of applause in the airport for a returning service member or you’ve watched as complete strangers walk up to someone wearing the uniform just to give them a handshake and thank them for their sacrifices in putting our security, and that of our country, ahead of their own.

I serve alongside our proud veterans who deserve that gratitude. Here at TSA, I am privileged to work with many employees who are veterans of the United States Armed Forces. I myself served in the U.S. Army’s Third Armored Division during the end of the Cold War and in Operations Desert Shield and Storm. Across our entire agency, veterans account for nearly 25 percent of the workforce. They’re still serving, only in a different uniform.

In addition to the veterans among us, there are many other TSA employees who continue to serve our nation as reservists. Every month some of our colleagues throughout the agency deploy to active duty and others return from military service to their work at TSA.  

We are proud that so many veterans have made the choice to wear the uniform of a transportation security officer when their commitment to wearing the uniform of the United States military has been fulfilled. Our workforce is strengthened by the qualities and disciplines our service men and women possess as a result of their military training. 

Thank you to all veterans who have served and sacrificed for our great nation.

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