Gov. of Virginia Archive

  • RICHMOND, Va. — During the 2013 State of the Commonwealth Address delivered at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond Jan. 9, 2013, Governor Bob McDonnell recognized the Virginia National Guard for accomplishments during the year. “We don’t have to look far for inspiration from our brave and caring people,” McDonnell said in the address. “On the rain-soaked night of October 30th as Hurricane Sandy’s waters rose swiftly in Accomack County, Virginia National Guard Soldiers trudged through high water to clear a path to transport seven adults and a child out of harm’s way. Another rescue required Guardsmen to carry a citizen 200 yards through chest-high water to safety. Virginia Guard personnel rescued 42 citizens during Hurricane Sandy.” McDonnell recognized 1st...

    Governor recognizes Va. Guard during State of the Commonwealth Address

    RICHMOND, Va. — During the 2013 State of the Commonwealth Address delivered at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond Jan. 9, 2013, Governor Bob McDonnell recognized the Virginia National Guard for accomplishments during the year. “We don’t have to look far for inspiration from our brave and caring people,” McDonnell said in the address. “On the rain-soaked night of October 30th as Hurricane Sandy’s waters rose swiftly in Accomack County, Virginia National Guard Soldiers trudged through high water to clear a path to transport seven adults and a child out of harm’s way. Another rescue required Guardsmen to carry a citizen 200 yards through chest-high water to safety. Virginia Guard personnel rescued 42 citizens during Hurricane Sandy.” McDonnell recognized 1st...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell ceremonially signed a proclamation designating December as “Virginia National Guard Appreciation and Recognition Month” in the Commonwealth of Virginia Dec. 7, 2012, at a ceremony in Richmond. Governor McDonnell was joined by Secretary of Public Safety Marla Graff Decker and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, in recognizing members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force. “This proclamation, in a small way, recognizes the incredible sacrifice and service of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force,” McDonnell said. “For the first time since 9/11 all Virginia Army Guard and Air Guard units are home with their families and loved ones for the holidays. Time and...

    Governor McDonnell signs proclamation declaring December as “Virginia National Guard Appreciation and Recognition Month”

    RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell ceremonially signed a proclamation designating December as “Virginia National Guard Appreciation and Recognition Month” in the Commonwealth of Virginia Dec. 7, 2012, at a ceremony in Richmond. Governor McDonnell was joined by Secretary of Public Safety Marla Graff Decker and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, in recognizing members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force. “This proclamation, in a small way, recognizes the incredible sacrifice and service of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force,” McDonnell said. “For the first time since 9/11 all Virginia Army Guard and Air Guard units are home with their families and loved ones for the holidays. Time and...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The 2012 Holiday Video Message from Governor Bob McDonnell and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, is available online at the following links: View the video on Facebook: Download the video in WMV format: Download the video in MOV format: Share

    Holiday Video Message from Governor and AG available online

    SANDSTON, Va. — The 2012 Holiday Video Message from Governor Bob McDonnell and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, is available online at the following links: View the video on Facebook: Download the video in WMV format: Download the video in MOV format: Share

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia National Guard’s Clifton Forge-based 29th Division Band will provide holiday music for the 2012 Capitol Tree Lighting and Tribute to Our Military scheduled for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012, at 5 p.m. at the South Portico of the Virginia State Capitol. Governor Bob McDonnell and Mrs. McDonnell will host the event, and the public is invited to attend. The entire band will play for the tree lighting, then divide up into small groups to play inside the Executive Mansion and showcase the talent in the band during an Open House, explained Sgt. First Class Richard A. Carr Jr., readiness noncommissioned officer for the 29th Division Band. “This is the first time the band has performed at...

    Va. Guard’s 29th Division Band to play for Capitol Tree Lighting

    RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia National Guard’s Clifton Forge-based 29th Division Band will provide holiday music for the 2012 Capitol Tree Lighting and Tribute to Our Military scheduled for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012, at 5 p.m. at the South Portico of the Virginia State Capitol. Governor Bob McDonnell and Mrs. McDonnell will host the event, and the public is invited to attend. The entire band will play for the tree lighting, then divide up into small groups to play inside the Executive Mansion and showcase the talent in the band during an Open House, explained Sgt. First Class Richard A. Carr Jr., readiness noncommissioned officer for the 29th Division Band. “This is the first time the band has performed at...

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  •   RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell thanked members of the Virginia State Police and Virginia National Guard for their work during security operations at the National Governor’s Association Conference during a reception held Nov. 19, 2012, at the Executive Mansion in Richmond. The NGA Conference brought more than 40 governors to Williamsburg in July 2012, and McDonnell praised the VSP and Virginia Guard for their effective partnership and playing a key role in how smoothly the event was conducted. In addition, McDonnell recognized the two public safety organizations for their work during several severe weather events that impacted the commonwealth over the last three years. “The coordination between the Virginia State Police and the Virginia National Guard has...

    Governor recognizes Va. State Police and Va. Guard for support during Governor’s Association Conference

      RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell thanked members of the Virginia State Police and Virginia National Guard for their work during security operations at the National Governor’s Association Conference during a reception held Nov. 19, 2012, at the Executive Mansion in Richmond. The NGA Conference brought more than 40 governors to Williamsburg in July 2012, and McDonnell praised the VSP and Virginia Guard for their effective partnership and playing a key role in how smoothly the event was conducted. In addition, McDonnell recognized the two public safety organizations for their work during several severe weather events that impacted the commonwealth over the last three years. “The coordination between the Virginia State Police and the Virginia National Guard has...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard returned to normal operations Nov. 1, 2012, and all personnel on state active duty supporting Hurricane Sandy recovery operations were released from duty and returned to their home stations. Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across Virginia, and at the height of operations had approximately 670 personnel working across the commonwealth. During that time they transported 42 civilians to safety, conducted almost 60 reconnaissance patrols to assess damage and report on route trafficability and performed 10 debris reduction missions. “Law enforcement personnel and the Virginia National Guard were the unsung heroes of the Hurricane Sandy response,” said Governor...

    Virginia Guard completes Hurricane Sandy response operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard returned to normal operations Nov. 1, 2012, and all personnel on state active duty supporting Hurricane Sandy recovery operations were released from duty and returned to their home stations. Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across Virginia, and at the height of operations had approximately 670 personnel working across the commonwealth. During that time they transported 42 civilians to safety, conducted almost 60 reconnaissance patrols to assess damage and report on route trafficability and performed 10 debris reduction missions. “Law enforcement personnel and the Virginia National Guard were the unsung heroes of the Hurricane Sandy response,” said Governor...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell and First Lady Maureen McDonnell expressed their appreciation for the service of Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, members of the Virginia Defense Force and civilian employees Sept. 11 during a visit at Mullins Armory in Sandston. “The First Lady and I wanted to come out today primarily to offer our thanks on behalf of the 8.3 million Virginians for the phenomenal work you do day in and day out not only to protect Virginians, but the lives of Americans around the country and all over the world,” McDonnell said. During his remarks, he talked about the impact of the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. and said the Guard has made a “remarkable...

    Governor and First Lady thank Virginia Guard personnel for their service

    SANDSTON, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell and First Lady Maureen McDonnell expressed their appreciation for the service of Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, members of the Virginia Defense Force and civilian employees Sept. 11 during a visit at Mullins Armory in Sandston. “The First Lady and I wanted to come out today primarily to offer our thanks on behalf of the 8.3 million Virginians for the phenomenal work you do day in and day out not only to protect Virginians, but the lives of Americans around the country and all over the world,” McDonnell said. During his remarks, he talked about the impact of the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. and said the Guard has made a “remarkable...

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  • To the Soldiers, Airmen and Families of the Virginia National Guard: With the return of about 30 Soldiers of the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division from Afghanistan in early July, the Virginia National Guard reached a historic point in its history: there are no Virginia Army or Air Guard units serving on federal active duty. However there are still a number of individual Soldiers and Airmen serving around the world. While this is only a temporary downturn of units scheduled for possible mobilization in the near future, this is a good time for all Virginians to recognize the important mission of the National Guard in our fight for freedom. Today’s Virginia National Guard is the best trained, best equipped, and most experienced...

    Gov. McDonnell sends thank you letter to Va. Guard

    To the Soldiers, Airmen and Families of the Virginia National Guard: With the return of about 30 Soldiers of the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division from Afghanistan in early July, the Virginia National Guard reached a historic point in its history: there are no Virginia Army or Air Guard units serving on federal active duty. However there are still a number of individual Soldiers and Airmen serving around the world. While this is only a temporary downturn of units scheduled for possible mobilization in the near future, this is a good time for all Virginians to recognize the important mission of the National Guard in our fight for freedom. Today’s Virginia National Guard is the best trained, best equipped, and most experienced...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell and members of the Virginia General Assembly commended the Virginia National Guard for the organization’s service to commonwealth and country at a legislative reception sponsored Jan. 18 by the Virginia Guard Officer’s Association and Virginia Guard Enlisted Association at the Library of Virginia in Richmond. Delegate John Cosgrove (R-78) and Sen. Mark Herring (D-33rd), co-chairs of the Virginia Guard Caucus, hosted the event. “It has been a phenomenal year of progress, success, courage and results for the Virginia National Guard,” McDonnell said. “I am here tonight to thank the Soldiers and Airmen of the Virginia Guard for your incredible service and all you have done supporting the missions and interests of the United States of America.” Approximately 20 Soldiers and Airmen who served on federal...

    Governor and legislators commend Virginia Guard

    RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell and members of the Virginia General Assembly commended the Virginia National Guard for the organization’s service to commonwealth and country at a legislative reception sponsored Jan. 18 by the Virginia Guard Officer’s Association and Virginia Guard Enlisted Association at the Library of Virginia in Richmond. Delegate John Cosgrove (R-78) and Sen. Mark Herring (D-33rd), co-chairs of the Virginia Guard Caucus, hosted the event. “It has been a phenomenal year of progress, success, courage and results for the Virginia National Guard,” McDonnell said. “I am here tonight to thank the Soldiers and Airmen of the Virginia Guard for your incredible service and all you have done supporting the missions and interests of the United States of America.” Approximately 20 Soldiers and Airmen who served on federal...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell recognized three Virginia Guard Soldiers from the Sandston-based 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment, 91st Troop Command during his State of the Commonwealth Speech Jan. 11. He also announced support for legislation to give Virginia Guard Soldiers and Airmen in-state tuition. “Since September 11th, 2001, nearly 14,000 members of the Virginia National Guard have left their families and jobs to defend our freedom,” McDonnell said . “Over 230 Virginians have given their lives in the Global War on Terror.” McDonnell attended the welcome home ceremony Dec. 10, 2011, for more than 200 Soldiers from 2nd Battalion who returned to Virginia after serving in Iraq since April. He recognized the battalion’s executive officer, Maj. Carl Engstrom...

    Gov. McDonnell recognizes Virginia Guard Soldiers during State of the Commonwealth Address

    RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell recognized three Virginia Guard Soldiers from the Sandston-based 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment, 91st Troop Command during his State of the Commonwealth Speech Jan. 11. He also announced support for legislation to give Virginia Guard Soldiers and Airmen in-state tuition. “Since September 11th, 2001, nearly 14,000 members of the Virginia National Guard have left their families and jobs to defend our freedom,” McDonnell said . “Over 230 Virginians have given their lives in the Global War on Terror.” McDonnell attended the welcome home ceremony Dec. 10, 2011, for more than 200 Soldiers from 2nd Battalion who returned to Virginia after serving in Iraq since April. He recognized the battalion’s executive officer, Maj. Carl Engstrom...

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