“Our focus is to ensure that there is a strong science and policy basis for our environmental policy, to move the nation to greater reliance on clean energy and increase energy security, to combat global warming while growing the green economy, to protect public health and the environment, especially in vulnerable communities, and to protect and restore our great ecosystems.”

– Chair Nancy Sutley

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CEQ Blog

  • From Sea to Shining Sea, and Everything in Between

    An outdoor enthusiast and businessman highlights how the America's Great Outdoors Initiative is expanding recreational opportunities, connecting Americans with the outdoors, and providing jobs and economic benefits to communities across the country.

  • Energy Datapalooza: Unleashing the Power of Open Data to Advance our Energy Future

    Envision an easy-to-use software package that lets a building owner perform virtual energy audits at a fraction of the cost of in-person audits, so real savings are calculated instantly, building upgrades launched sooner, and construction jobs created faster.These are the kinds of advances that are on display today at the White House as more than 150 of America’s entrepreneurs, software developers, energy experts, and policy makers come together for an Energy Datapalooza.

  • GreenGov 2012: Leading by Example

    The third annual GreenGov Symposium will highlight how the Federal Government is cutting waste, saving taxpayer money, and promoting clean energy by incorporating sustainable practices into their operations.

  • Chimney Rock Becomes Our Newest National Monument

    President Obama designates Chimney Rock in southwest Colorado as our nation’s newest national monument.

  • Delivering Energy Savings to Taxpayers

    Commissioning is one innovative idea for creating jobs and saving taxpayer dollars by reducing energy use in Federal buildings.

  • Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol

    Twenty-five years ago, the United States played a leading role in negotiating the Montreal Protocol to phase out production of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer. Today, the Montreal Protocol is one of the world's greatest environmental success stories, as we are well on our way toward restoring the ozone layer and its benefits for the Americans people.

  • USDA Drought Code Sprint: Giving Americans One-Click Access to Federal Drought Relief

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture challenges you to design innovative apps to connect farmers, ranchers, and others with the latest information on drought conditions and Federal drought relief resources.

  • Federal Buildings Leading By Example

    The U.S. Green Building Council discusses the Federal Government's leadership in promoting energy efficient buildings, which will be highlighted along with other innovative Federal projects at the GreenGov Symposium on September 24-26.