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(No Structure)
structure : structure : Carcinogens : Carcinogens

"1,2-Propylene oxide"
"Oxirane, methyl-"
"Propene oxide"
"Propylene oxide"
( inverted exclamation markA)-Methyloxirane; 1,2-Epoxypropane
1,2-Propylene oxide
AD 6 (Suspending agent)
Caswell No 713A
ECB# 16
EINECS 200-879-2
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 042501
Epoxypropane (Propylene oxide)
HAP NO 142
Methyl oxirane
Oxirane, 2-methyl-
Oxirane, methyl-
PC Code 042501
Pesticide Code: 042501.[U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Pesticide Program's Chemical Ingredients Database on 1
propanoic acid, 3-(dodecylthio)-, 2,2-bis[[3-(dodecylthio)-1-oxopropoxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl ester
propene epoxide
propene oxide
Propylene oxide (1,2-epoxypropane)
Propylene oxide (8CA)
Propylene oxide [1,2-Epoxypropane]
Propylene oxide [Oxirane, methyl-]
propylene oxide, , 1,2-epoxypropane, , methyloxirane
propylene oxide; 1,2-epoxypropane; methyloxirane
PROPYLENEOXIDE[IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva: World Health Organization
S Code 198

Toxicology Data
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California OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health Impacts
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CAREX Canada Carcinogen Database
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CPDB Report on Carcinogenicity Potency URL (Univ. Cal., Berkeley)
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DSSTox Cancer Potency Database Summary
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DSSTox Cancer Potency Database URL
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DSSTox NTP BSI GeneTox Index
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DSSTox NTP BSI Chronic / Cancer Study Index
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DSSTox IRIS Study Summaries
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Canada Domestic Substance List (2007)
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EPA HAP Health Effects Factsheets
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EPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System)
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish Consumption
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EPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006)
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Carcinogenicity)
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Genotoxicity)
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Health Canada High Health Priorities for Action
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INCHEM Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
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INCHEM Health and Safety Guides
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Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-102
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ITER TERA Risk Assessments
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NIOSH Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards
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NIOSH list of potential occupational carcinogens
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NTP Long Term Toxicology / Carcinogenicity Study Abstracts and Reports
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Pennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated Substances
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Risk Assessment Information System Carcinogenicity Metadata
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Toxicity Values (Carcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
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NTP Report on Carcinogens (Summary) (RoC 11)
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NTP Report on Carcinogens (12th)
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Scorecard URLs
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Scorecard Health Effects Summaries
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NLM TOXNET HSDB Hazard Information
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NLM TOXNET HSDB Carcinogenicity
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Select to expand
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NLM TOXNET Toxicology
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UMD list of Acute Toxins, Teratogens, Carcinogens, or Mutagens
Chronic Toxicity
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DSSTox NTP BSI GeneTox Index
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Genotoxicity)
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Select to expand
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Developmental Toxicity
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UMD list of Acute Toxins, Teratogens, Carcinogens, or Mutagens
Reproductive Toxicity
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ASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex II list of prohibited substances
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CAREX Canada Carcinogen Database
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EDSPDB Food Exposure summary information
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2007 Summary
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EPA Pesticide Reregistration eligibility documents
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening Levels
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2009
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2008
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2007
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2006
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2005
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2004
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2003
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2002
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2001
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2000
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1999
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1998
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1997
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1996
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1995
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1994
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1992
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1991
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1990
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1989
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1988
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2001 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2000 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1999 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1998 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1997 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1996 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1995 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1994 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1993 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1992 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1991 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1990 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1989 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1988 by media
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EPA TRI Chemical List for 2009
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Groundwater
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Direct Contact Values.
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Soil-Groundwater
Non-regulatory Risk Management
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CAREX Canada Carcinogen Database
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Short-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient air
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Long-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient air
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for TICs in Air
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for water
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for soil
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DOT Table of Hazardous Materials
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Dow Chemical Safety
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EPA HAP Health Effects Factsheets
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EPA Chemical Accidental Release Prevention (ARP).
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EPA IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System)
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EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - October 2006 Version
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EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - May 2010 Version
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EPA Risk-based criteria for additional industrial chemicals to support validation of analytical methods for threat contaminants
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Chemical Parameters
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FDA Pestrak Files - CFSAN pesticide data
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Fracking chemicals
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Toxic chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing
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ICCA HPV Other Chemicals of Interest
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INCHEM Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
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INCHEM Health and Safety Guides
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ITER TERA Risk Assessments
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Maine Department of Environmental Protection List of Chemicals of Concern
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Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
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Michigan (MDCH) listing of Hazardous Chemicals
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NEG (Nordic Expert Group) Publications URLs
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Netherlands RIVM list of Classified CMR substances occurring in consumer preparations
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NIOSH Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards
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NIOSH Immediately Dangerous Chemicals
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URLs for NIOSH Immediately Dangerous Chemicals
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NIOSH National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) data
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New Jersey Extraordinarily Hazardous Substance (EHS) List
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OECD Sponsored Chemicals
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Status of OECD Sponsored Chemicals
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Risk Assessment Information System Carcinogenicity Metadata
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Chemical and Physical properties from Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS)
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Scorecard Health Effects Summaries
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Total Use, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Industrial use, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Exposure, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Use by Category, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Detailed Use by Category, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
Regulatory Risk Management
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ASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex II list of prohibited substances
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Australian government APVMA approved active substances
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Australian government APVMA List of Agricultural active constituents that have TRIPS protection
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California Pesticide Use 1991-1998
Select to expand
California Pesticide Use 1999 to 2007
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Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity
Select to expand
California OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health Impacts
Select to expand
California Air Resource's Board (CARB) Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR)
Select to expand
Colorado CDPHE, Water Quality Control Division, Inventory of Limits for Surface Waters
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DanishEPA Lists of Effects for 2009
Select to expand
Delaware Requirements for Reporting of a Discharge of a Pollutant or Air Contaminant
Select to expand
DSSTox IRIS Study Summaries
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Select to expand
DSSTox HPV Challenge Study Summaries
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DSSTox HPV Challenge URLs
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The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare Exposure Information Database
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ECHA Pre-Registered Substances
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2007
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2008
Select to expand
Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2009
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Canada Domestic Substance List (2007)
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EPA AEGL Final exposure limits (not disabling effects)
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EPA AEGL final exposure limits (long-term adverse effects)
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EPA AEGL Final exposure limit (life-threatening health effects or death)
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EPA AEGL Interim exposure limits (not disabling effects)
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EPA AEGL Interin exposure limits (serious, long-lasting adverse health effects)
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EPA AEGL Interim (experience life-threatening health effects)
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EPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA 2002 NEI (National Emission Inventory)
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EPA Pesticide Reregistration Status
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EPA Pesticide Reregistration eligibility documents
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EPA Registration Review: Schedule for Beginning Reviews - 2011 to 2014 (Conventional Pesticide)
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EPA OPPIN Active Pesticides Information (related to registration)
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EPA OPPIN Active Antimicrobial Ingredients Information (related to registration)
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EPA OPPIN Food Use Tolerances
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EPA TSCA Sunset Status
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EPA TSCA Master Testing List for 1996
Select to expand
EPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
Select to expand
EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - July 2011 Version
Select to expand
EPA TSCA Submissions with Declassified Claims for CBI
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EPA Superfund designation of hazardous substances
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Use description for CCL3 chemicals (EPA OW Candidate Contaminant List)
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EPA Office of Water Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List (PCCL)
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EPA Office of Water Final Contaminant Candidate List Chemicals
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EPA Office of Water table of causes for impairment for use in ADB
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening Levels
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish Consumption
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EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites.
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EPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2010
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EPA TRI Chemical List for 2011
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Select to expand
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex I)
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC)
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ESIS HPV Chemicals List
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ChemLeg Guide On Restrictions for Carcinogens, Mutagens, and Toxic to Reproduction substances (CMR)In The EU
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EC (European Commission) Restrictions and/or specifications for Plastics in Contact with Food
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FDA EAFUS - Everything Added to Food in the U.S.
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FDA EAFUS: Title 21 US CFR citations
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Title 21 US CFR citations - FDA Cumulative Estimated Daily Intake/Acceptable Daily Intake Database
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Title 40 US CFR part 185 citation for FDA pesticides of interest
Select to expand
Florida Soil Cleanup Target Levels
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Florida Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006)
Select to expand
Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Carcinogenicity)
Select to expand
Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Genotoxicity)
Select to expand
Health Canada High Health Priorities for Action
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Illinois Toxic Air Pollutants
Select to expand
Select to expand
Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-102
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Maine Department of Environmental Protection List of Chemicals of Concern
Select to expand
Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
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MESH Annotations
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Select to expand
Minnesota Health Risk Evaluation for Air
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Missouri Department of Natural Resources Hazardous Air Pollutants
Select to expand
NC list of Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
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North Carolina Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs) for the protection of groundwater
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Nebraska Air Quality Regulations list of hazardous Air Pollutants
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New Hampshire Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
Select to expand
New York State Office of Homeland Security List of Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals
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New York State DEC Air Resources Regulations
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NIOSH permissible exposure limits (PELs) set by OSHA
Select to expand
Ohio List of Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs)
Select to expand
Oregon Hazardous Air Pollution Program emissions limitations
Select to expand
OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full report
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Groundwater
Select to expand
Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Direct Contact Values.
Select to expand
Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Soil-Groundwater
Select to expand
Pennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated Substances
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Risk Assessment Information System Toxicity Metadata
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Toxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
Select to expand
Toxicity Values (Carcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
Select to expand
SRS -- EPA Substance Regulatory Services List
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NLM TOXNET Toxicology
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Results of Testing under TSCA Section 4
Select to expand
Unpublished Health and Safety Studies
Select to expand
The Toxic Substance Control Act Test Submission Database (EPA TSCATS)
Select to expand
Wisconsin Air Toxics Rule regulation information
Select to expand
Wisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effects
Select to expand
Wisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Cancer effects
Production and Release
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ASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex II list of prohibited substances
Select to expand
Australian government APVMA approved active substances
Select to expand
Australian government APVMA List of Agricultural active constituents that have TRIPS protection
Select to expand
California Pesticide Use 1991-1998
Select to expand
California Pesticide Use 1999 to 2007
Select to expand
Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity
Select to expand
California OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health Impacts
Select to expand
California Air Resource's Board (CARB) Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR)
Select to expand
Colorado CDPHE, Water Quality Control Division, Inventory of Limits for Surface Waters
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DanishEPA Lists of Effects for 2009
Select to expand
Delaware Requirements for Reporting of a Discharge of a Pollutant or Air Contaminant
Select to expand
DSSTox IRIS Study Summaries
Select to expand
Select to expand
DSSTox HPV Challenge Study Summaries
Select to expand
DSSTox HPV Challenge URLs
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The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare Exposure Information Database
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ECHA Pre-Registered Substances
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2007
Select to expand
Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2007 Summary
Select to expand
Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2008
Select to expand
Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2009
Select to expand
Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2008 Summary
Select to expand
Canada Domestic Substance List (2007)
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EPA AEGL Final exposure limits (not disabling effects)
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EPA AEGL final exposure limits (long-term adverse effects)
Select to expand
EPA AEGL Final exposure limit (life-threatening health effects or death)
Select to expand
EPA AEGL Interim exposure limits (not disabling effects)
Select to expand
EPA AEGL Interin exposure limits (serious, long-lasting adverse health effects)
Select to expand
EPA AEGL Interim (experience life-threatening health effects)
Select to expand
EPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
Select to expand
EPA Chemical Accidental Release Prevention (ARP).
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EPA 2002 NEI (National Emission Inventory)
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EPA Pesticide Reregistration Status
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EPA Pesticide Reregistration eligibility documents
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EPA Registration Review: Schedule for Beginning Reviews - 2011 to 2014 (Conventional Pesticide)
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EPA OPPIN Active Pesticides Information (related to registration)
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EPA OPPIN Active Antimicrobial Ingredients Information (related to registration)
Select to expand
EPA OPPIN Food Use Tolerances
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EPA TSCA Sunset Status
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EPA TSCA Master Testing List for 1996
Select to expand
EPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
Select to expand
EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - July 2011 Version
Select to expand
EPA TSCA Submissions with Declassified Claims for CBI
Select to expand
EPA Superfund designation of hazardous substances
Select to expand
Use description for CCL3 chemicals (EPA OW Candidate Contaminant List)
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EPA Office of Water Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List (PCCL)
Select to expand
EPA Office of Water Final Contaminant Candidate List Chemicals
Select to expand
EPA Office of Water table of causes for impairment for use in ADB
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
Select to expand
EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening Levels
Select to expand
EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish Consumption
Select to expand
EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites.
Select to expand
EPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
Select to expand
EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2010
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2009
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2008
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2007
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2006
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2005
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2004
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2003
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2002
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2001
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 2000
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1999
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1998
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1997
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1996
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1995
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1994
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1992
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1991
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1990
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1989
Select to expand
EPA TRI Release levels for year 1988
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2001 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2000 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1999 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1998 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1997 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1996 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1995 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1994 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1993 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1992 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1991 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1990 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1989 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1988 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI Chemical List for 2009
Select to expand
EPA TRI Chemical List for 2011
Select to expand
Select to expand
Select to expand
ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex I)
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC)
Select to expand
ESIS HPV Chemicals List
Select to expand
ChemLeg Guide On Restrictions for Carcinogens, Mutagens, and Toxic to Reproduction substances (CMR)In The EU
Select to expand
EC (European Commission) Restrictions and/or specifications for Plastics in Contact with Food
Select to expand
FDA EAFUS - Everything Added to Food in the U.S.
Select to expand
FDA EAFUS: Title 21 US CFR citations
Select to expand
Title 21 US CFR citations - FDA Cumulative Estimated Daily Intake/Acceptable Daily Intake Database
Select to expand
Title 40 US CFR part 185 citation for FDA pesticides of interest
Select to expand
Florida Soil Cleanup Target Levels
Select to expand
Florida Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels
Select to expand
Great Lakes Commission 2002 Inventory of Toxic Air Emissions
Select to expand
Great Lakes Commission 1999 Inventory of Toxic Air Emissions
Select to expand
Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006)
Select to expand
Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Carcinogenicity)
Select to expand
Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Genotoxicity)
Select to expand
Health Canada High Health Priorities for Action
Select to expand
Illinois Toxic Air Pollutants
Select to expand
Select to expand
Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-102
Select to expand
Maine Department of Environmental Protection List of Chemicals of Concern
Select to expand
Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
Select to expand
MESH Annotations
Select to expand
Select to expand
Minnesota Health Risk Evaluation for Air
Select to expand
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Hazardous Air Pollutants
Select to expand
NC list of Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
Select to expand
North Carolina Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs) for the protection of groundwater
Select to expand
Nebraska Air Quality Regulations list of hazardous Air Pollutants
Select to expand
New Hampshire Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
Select to expand
New York State Office of Homeland Security List of Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals
Select to expand
New York State DEC Air Resources Regulations
Select to expand
NIOSH permissible exposure limits (PELs) set by OSHA
Select to expand
Ohio List of Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs)
Select to expand
Oregon Hazardous Air Pollution Program emissions limitations
Select to expand
OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full report
Select to expand
Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Groundwater
Select to expand
Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Direct Contact Values.
Select to expand
Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Soil-Groundwater
Select to expand
Pennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated Substances
Select to expand
Risk Assessment Information System Toxicity Metadata
Select to expand
Toxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
Select to expand
Toxicity Values (Carcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
Select to expand
SRS -- EPA Substance Regulatory Services List
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NLM TOXNET Toxicology
Select to expand
Results of Testing under TSCA Section 4
Select to expand
Unpublished Health and Safety Studies
Select to expand
The Toxic Substance Control Act Test Submission Database (EPA TSCATS)
Select to expand
Wisconsin Air Toxics Rule regulation information
Select to expand
Wisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effects
Select to expand
Wisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Cancer effects
In Vitro
Select to expand
Select to expand
Select to expand
Australian government APVMA approved active substances
Select to expand
Australian government APVMA List of Agricultural active constituents that have TRIPS protection
Select to expand
California Pesticide Use 1991-1998
Select to expand
California Pesticide Use 1999 to 2007
Select to expand
Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity
Select to expand
EDSPDB Occupational Exposure Data
Select to expand
EPA Pesticide Reregistration Status
Select to expand
EPA Pesticide Reregistration eligibility documents
Select to expand
EPA Registration Review: Schedule for Beginning Reviews - 2011 to 2014 (Conventional Pesticide)
Select to expand
EPA OPPIN Active Pesticides Information (related to registration)
Select to expand
EPA OPPIN Active Antimicrobial Ingredients Information (related to registration)
Select to expand
EPA OPPIN Food Use Tolerances
Select to expand
FDA Pestrak Files - CFSAN pesticide data
Select to expand
Title 40 US CFR part 185 citation for FDA pesticides of interest
Select to expand
Fracking chemicals
Select to expand
Toxic chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing
Select to expand
Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
Select to expand
NIOSH Immediately Dangerous Chemicals
Select to expand
URLs for NIOSH Immediately Dangerous Chemicals
Select to expand
NIOSH National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) data
Select to expand
NIOSH permissible exposure limits (PELs) set by OSHA
Select to expand
NIOSH list of potential occupational carcinogens
Select to expand
Total Use, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
Select to expand
Industrial use, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Exposure, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Use by Category, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Detailed Use by Category, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
International Safety Card
PubMed via Mesh
Data CollectionNote

Chemicals with same structure but different CASRN
DetailsImageCASRNPreferred NameHazardChronic ToxicityCarcinogenicityGenotoxicityDevelopmental ToxicityReproductive ToxicityFood SafetyBiomonitoring
detailsImage Not Found16033-71-91,2-Epoxypropane

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