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Chemical: tert-butyl methyl ether

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(No Structure)
used to dissolve gallstones; gasoline additive : used to dissolve gallstones; gasoline additive : Air Pollutants : Carcinogens : Air Pollutants : Carcinogens

"Ether, tert-butyl methyl"
"Methyl t-butyl ether"
"Methyl tert butyl ether"
"Methyl tert-butyl ether"
"Methyl tertiary butyl ether"
"Methyl tertiary-butyl ether"
"Methyl-t-butyl ether"
"Methyl-tert-butyl ether"
"Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl-"
"t-Butyl methyl ether"
"tert-Butyl methyl ether"
(t-butyl methyl ether, Methyl tertiary butyl ether, Methyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether, CAS number 1634-04-4)
1,1-dimethylethyl methyl ether
4-01-00-01615 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Benzene, 1,2-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-
BRN 1730942
CCRIS 7596
ECB# 313
EINECS 216-653-1
Ether, tert-butyl methyl
HAP NO 114
HSDB 5847
Methyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether
Methyl isobutyl ketone
Methyl t-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl tert butyl ether
Methyl tert Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Methyl tert-butyl ether
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl tert-butyl ether [MTBE]
Methyl tert-butyl ether [UN2398] [Flammable liquid]
Methyl tert-butyl ether; MTBE
Methyl tert-ButylEther
Methyl tertbutyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl tertiary butyl ether
Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether
Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl-tert butyl ether
Methyl-tert-butyl ether
Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl-tert-butylether (MTBE)
Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl Ether
Methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE)
MTBE (Methyl tert-butyl ether)
MTBE (Tert-butyl methyl ether)
MTBE[Environmental Health Criteria 196: Methyl tertiary-butyl ether pp. 1-9 (1998) by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme
Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl-
t-Butyl methyl ether
tert-butyl methyl ether
Tert-butyl methyl ether
tert-butyl methyl ether, , MTBE, , 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane
tert-butyl methyl ether; MTBE; 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane

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California OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health Impacts
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish Consumption
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EPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EC (European Commission) flavouring substances authorized for use in foodstuffs
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German Federal Environmental Agency List of Substances which are Hazardous to Water
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (1999)
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INCHEM Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
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ITER TERA Risk Assessments
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Pennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated Substances
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CDC Biomonitoring Summaryies (URLs)
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Alaska Soil cleanup levels (CLs)
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Alaska Groundwater cleanup levels (CLs)
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ATSDR Public Health Statements (PHS)
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Toxicology Profiles from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDC
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ATSDR: Substance Priority List 2011 Detailed Report
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Manitoba Water Quality Guidelines (WQG)
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DOE: Review of Indoor Air VOC Concentrations
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EDSPDB Food Exposure summary information
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EDSPDB Outdoor Air Monitoring Data
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2007 Summary
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Summary of results from EPA BASE study
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EPA Master List of Compounds Emitted by Mobile Sources and Fuels
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EPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems (PWSs) supporting the first cycle (UCMR1) of monitoring (2001 - 2005)
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening Levels
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2001 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2000 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1999 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1998 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1997 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1996 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1995 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1994 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1993 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1992 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1991 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1990 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1989 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1988 by media
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EPA TRI Chemical List for 2009
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Germank AGÖF Guidance Values for Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air
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Iowa Statewide Standards for Contaminants in Soil and Groundwater
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Summary of VOCs in New York State 1997-2003
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Direct Contact Values.
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Soil-Groundwater
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Compounds included in USGS Source Water-Quality Assessment (SWQA) studies
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USGS Volatile Organic Compounds in the Nation's Ground Water and Drinking-Water Supply Wells
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Ground-Water Quality Data in the Southern Sacramento Valley, California, 2005
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USGS Groundwater Special Study: The Oahu National Water-Quality Assessment (VOCs)
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Washington indicators of potential exposure
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 2001
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1996
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1997
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1998
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1999
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 2000
Non-regulatory Risk Management
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Summaries about hazardous substances from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDC
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ATSDR MRL (Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) for Hazardous Substances)
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ATSDR Public Health Statements (PHS)
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Toxicology Profiles from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDC
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California OEHHA Human-Exposure-Based soil screening numbers for volatile chemicals
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DanishEPA List of Undesirable Substances for 2009
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Long-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient air
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US Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for soil
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National Park Service Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia
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DOT Table of Hazardous Materials
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The TEDX (The Endocrine Disruptor Exchange) List of Potential Endocrine Disruptors
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EPA HAP Health Effects Factsheets
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EPA IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System)
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EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - October 2006 Version
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EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - May 2010 Version
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Chemical Parameters
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Germank AGÖF Guidance Values for Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air
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Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality - Technical Documents
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ICCA HPV Other Chemicals of Interest
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INCHEM Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
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ITER TERA Risk Assessments
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Maine Department of Environmental Protection List of Chemicals of Concern
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Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
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NEG (Nordic Expert Group) Publications URLs
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CDC NHANES IV Chemical list
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OECD Sponsored Chemicals
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Status of OECD Sponsored Chemicals
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OECD Report On OECD Countries Activities Regarding Testing, Assessment And Management Of Endocrine Disrupters, 2010
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Chemical and Physical properties from Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS)
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Scorecard Health Effects Summaries
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Total Use, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Industrial use, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Exposure, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Use by Category, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Detailed Use by Category, Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries
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Washington indicators of potential exposure
Regulatory Risk Management
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Alaska Soil cleanup levels (CLs)
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Alaska Groundwater cleanup levels (CLs)
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Alaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidance
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detailed data table for the ATSDR 2011 Priority List of Hazardous Substance
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ATSDR: Substance Priority List 2011 Detailed Report
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California OEHHA's Public Health Goals for Water
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California OEHHA Public Health Goal (PHG) for Water
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California OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health Impacts
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California OEHHA Human-Exposure-Based soil screening numbers for volatile chemicals
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Ontario Water Quality Objectives
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Manitoba Water Quality Guidelines (WQG)
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California Air Resource's Board (CARB) Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR)
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Connecticut DEP Significant Environmental Hazard Condition Notification Threshold Concentrations
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Connecticut DEP Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs)
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DanishEPA Lists of Effects for 2009
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Delaware Uniform Risk-Based Remediation Standards (URS) for the protection of human health
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Delaware Uniform Risk-Based Remediation Standards (URS) for the protection of the environment
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Delaware requirements for Public Water Systems (PWS)
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Delaware Requirements for Reporting of a Discharge of a Pollutant or Air Contaminant
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DSSTox IRIS Study Summaries
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DSSTox HPV Challenge Study Summaries
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DSSTox HPV Challenge URLs
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The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare Exposure Information Database
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ECHA Pre-Registered Substances
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2007
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2008
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2009
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Canada Domestic Substance List (2007)
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EPA AEGL Interim exposure limits (not disabling effects)
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EPA AEGL Interin exposure limits (serious, long-lasting adverse health effects)
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EPA AEGL Interim (experience life-threatening health effects)
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EPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA 2002 NEI (National Emission Inventory)
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EPA TSCA Sunset Status
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EPA TSCA Master Testing List for 1996
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EPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
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EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - July 2011 Version
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EPA Superfund designation of hazardous substances
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EPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems (PWSs) supporting the first cycle (UCMR1) of monitoring (2001 - 2005)
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Use description for CCL3 chemicals (EPA OW Candidate Contaminant List)
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Federal Register Notice for EPA CCL1 list
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EPA Office of Water Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List (PCCL)
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EPA Office of Water Final Contaminant Candidate List Chemicals
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EPA Office of Water table of causes for impairment for use in ADB
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening Levels
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Protection of Groundwater (screening levels)
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish Consumption
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EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites.
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EPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2010
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EPA TRI Chemical List for 2011
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex I)
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC)
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ESIS HPV Chemicals List
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EC (European Commission) flavouring substances authorized for use in foodstuffs
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Status of EU Community Strategy for Endocrine Disrupters
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The EU list of potential endocrine disruptors (Category 1)
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Florida Soil Cleanup Target Levels
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Florida Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels
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German Federal Environmental Agency List of Substances which are Hazardous to Water
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (1999)
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Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
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Idaho IDTLs for contaminated sites
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Illinois Groundwater Quality Standards
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Illinois Toxic Air Pollutants
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Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-102
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Iowa Statewide Standards for Contaminants in Soil and Groundwater
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Maine Department of Environmental Protection List of Chemicals of Concern
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Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
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MESH Annotations
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Missouri Department of Natural Resources Hazardous Air Pollutants
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NC list of Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
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North Carolina Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs) for the protection of groundwater
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Nebraska Air Quality Regulations list of hazardous Air Pollutants
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New Hampshire Groundwater Quality Standards for hazardous site remediation
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New Hampshire Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards
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New Hampshire Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
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New York State DEC Air Resources Regulations
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Ohio List of Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs)
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OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full report
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Direct Contact Values.
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Soil-Groundwater
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Pennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated Substances
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Risk Assessment Information System Toxicity Metadata
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Toxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
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Toxicity Values (Carcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
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MATES III List of Substances and Their Associated Risk Factors
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SRS -- EPA Substance Regulatory Services List
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NLM TOXNET Toxicology
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Results of Testing under TSCA Section 4
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Unpublished Health and Safety Studies
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The Toxic Substance Control Act Test Submission Database (EPA TSCATS)
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USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)
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Detailed USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)
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Compounds included in USGS Source Water-Quality Assessment (SWQA) studies
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Washington State Potential High Priority Chemicals (HPC)
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Wisconsin Air Toxics Rule regulation information
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Wisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effects
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Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Public health related groundwater standards
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1996
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1997
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1998
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1999
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 2000
Production and Release
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Alaska Soil cleanup levels (CLs)
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Alaska Groundwater cleanup levels (CLs)
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Alaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidance
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detailed data table for the ATSDR 2011 Priority List of Hazardous Substance
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ATSDR: Substance Priority List 2011 Detailed Report
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California OEHHA's Public Health Goals for Water
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California OEHHA Public Health Goal (PHG) for Water
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California OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health Impacts
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California OEHHA Human-Exposure-Based soil screening numbers for volatile chemicals
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Ontario Water Quality Objectives
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Manitoba Water Quality Guidelines (WQG)
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California Air Resource's Board (CARB) Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR)
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Connecticut DEP Significant Environmental Hazard Condition Notification Threshold Concentrations
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Connecticut DEP Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs)
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DanishEPA Lists of Effects for 2009
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Delaware Uniform Risk-Based Remediation Standards (URS) for the protection of human health
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Delaware Uniform Risk-Based Remediation Standards (URS) for the protection of the environment
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Delaware requirements for Public Water Systems (PWS)
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Delaware Requirements for Reporting of a Discharge of a Pollutant or Air Contaminant
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DSSTox IRIS Study Summaries
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DSSTox HPV Challenge Study Summaries
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DSSTox HPV Challenge URLs
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The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare Exposure Information Database
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ECHA Pre-Registered Substances
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2007
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2007 Summary
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2008
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2009
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Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2008 Summary
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Canada Domestic Substance List (2007)
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EPA AEGL Interim exposure limits (not disabling effects)
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EPA AEGL Interin exposure limits (serious, long-lasting adverse health effects)
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EPA AEGL Interim (experience life-threatening health effects)
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EPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk Assessment
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EPA 2002 NEI (National Emission Inventory)
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EPA TSCA Sunset Status
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EPA TSCA Master Testing List for 1996
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EPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
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EPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - July 2011 Version
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EPA Superfund designation of hazardous substances
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EPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems (PWSs) supporting the first cycle (UCMR1) of monitoring (2001 - 2005)
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Use description for CCL3 chemicals (EPA OW Candidate Contaminant List)
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Federal Register Notice for EPA CCL1 list
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EPA Office of Water Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List (PCCL)
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EPA Office of Water Final Contaminant Candidate List Chemicals
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EPA Office of Water table of causes for impairment for use in ADB
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening Levels
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Protection of Groundwater (screening levels)
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EPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish Consumption
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EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites.
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EPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations
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EPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2010
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2009
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2008
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2007
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2006
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2005
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2004
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2003
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2002
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2001
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 2000
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1999
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1998
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1997
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1996
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1995
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1994
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1992
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1991
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1990
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1989
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EPA TRI Release levels for year 1988
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2001 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 2000 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1999 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1998 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1997 by media
Select to expand
EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1996 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1995 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1994 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1993 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1992 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1991 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1990 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1989 by media
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EPA TRI on-site Release levels for the year 1988 by media
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EPA TRI Chemical List for 2009
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EPA TRI Chemical List for 2011
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Select to expand
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex I)
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ESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC)
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ESIS HPV Chemicals List
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EC (European Commission) flavouring substances authorized for use in foodstuffs
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Status of EU Community Strategy for Endocrine Disrupters
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The EU list of potential endocrine disruptors (Category 1)
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Florida Soil Cleanup Target Levels
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Florida Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels
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German Federal Environmental Agency List of Substances which are Hazardous to Water
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Great Lakes Commission 2002 Inventory of Toxic Air Emissions
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Great Lakes Commission 1999 Inventory of Toxic Air Emissions
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Health Canada Priority Substance Lists (1999)
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Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
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Idaho IDTLs for contaminated sites
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Illinois Groundwater Quality Standards
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Illinois Toxic Air Pollutants
Select to expand
Select to expand
Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-102
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Iowa Statewide Standards for Contaminants in Soil and Groundwater
Select to expand
Maine Department of Environmental Protection List of Chemicals of Concern
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Maine Department of Health List of Chemicals of High Concern (CHC)
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MESH Annotations
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Select to expand
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Hazardous Air Pollutants
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NC list of Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
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North Carolina Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs) for the protection of groundwater
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Nebraska Air Quality Regulations list of hazardous Air Pollutants
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New Hampshire Groundwater Quality Standards for hazardous site remediation
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New Hampshire Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards
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New Hampshire Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)
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New York State DEC Air Resources Regulations
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Ohio List of Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs)
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OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full report
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Direct Contact Values.
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Pennsylvania Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for Regulated Substances in Soil: Soil-Groundwater
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Pennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated Substances
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Risk Assessment Information System Toxicity Metadata
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Toxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
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Toxicity Values (Carcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information System
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MATES III List of Substances and Their Associated Risk Factors
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SRS -- EPA Substance Regulatory Services List
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NLM TOXNET Toxicology
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Results of Testing under TSCA Section 4
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Unpublished Health and Safety Studies
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The Toxic Substance Control Act Test Submission Database (EPA TSCATS)
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USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)
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Detailed USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)
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Compounds included in USGS Source Water-Quality Assessment (SWQA) studies
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Washington State Potential High Priority Chemicals (HPC)
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Wisconsin Air Toxics Rule regulation information
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Wisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effects
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Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Public health related groundwater standards
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1996
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1997
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1998
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1999
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Wisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 2000
In Vitro
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DSSTox GEO DSSTox Annotation
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qHTS Assay for Compounds that Induce Erasure of Genomic Imprints
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors and Activators of N370S glucocerebrosidase as a Potential Chaperone Treatment of Gaucher Disease
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors and Activators of Human alpha-Galactosidase From Spleen Homogenate
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors and Activators of Human alpha-Glucosidase From Spleen Homogenate
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qHTS Assay for Identification of Small Molecule Inducers of Hypoxia Response
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the Human Apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 (APE1)
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VP16 counterscreen qHTS for inhibitors of ROR gamma transcriptional activity
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of RecQ-Like Dna Helicase 1 (RECQ1)
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qHTS for inhibitors of ROR gamma transcriptional activity
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Cell Viability - BJ
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Cell Viability - Jurkat
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Cell Viability - Hek293
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Cell Viability - HepG2
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Cell Viability - MRC5
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Cell Viability - SK-N-SH
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IkB Signaling
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase (TDP1)
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JNK3 AlphaScreen Assay
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Cell Viability - N2a
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Cell Viability - NIH 3T3
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Cell Viability - HUV-EC-C
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Cell Viability - H-4-II-E
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Cell Viability - SH-SY5Y
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Cell Viability - Renal Proximal Tubule
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Cell Viability - Mesenchymal
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Promiscuous and Specific Inhibitors of AmpC Beta-Lactamase (assay with detergent)
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Promiscuous and Specific Inhibitors of AmpC Beta-Lactamase (assay without detergent)
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qHTS Assay for Disrupters of an Hsp90 Co-Chaperone Interaction
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qHTS Assay for Tau Filament Binding
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of DNA Polymerase III Holoenzyme System
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of YjeE
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) HepG2
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) Jurkat
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) HUV-EC-C
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) SHSY5Y
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) BJ
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) MRC-5
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) Mesangial
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) SK-N-SH
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Cell signaling CRE-BLA (Fsk stim)
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) H-4-II-E
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) Hek293
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) N2a
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) NIH 3T3
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Cellular Toxicity (caspase-3) Renal Proximal Tubule
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of BRCT-Phosphoprotein Interaction (Green Fluorophore)
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of RGS12 GoLoco Motif Activity (Red Fluorophore)
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of 15-hLO-2 (15-human lipoxygenase 2)
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors and Substrates of Cytochrome P450 3A4
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qHTS Assay for Activators of Cytochrome P450 3A4
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HADH2 (Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase, Type II)
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of 15-hLO (15-human lipoxygenase)
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qHTS Assay for Allosteric/Competitive Inhibitors of Caspase-7
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of BRCT-Phosphoprotein Interaction (Red Fluorophore)
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HSD17B4, hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HPGD (15-Hydroxyprostaglandin Dehydrogenase)
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qHTS Assay for Allosteric/Competitive Inhibitors of Caspase-1
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qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Nonpermissive Temperature
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qHTS Assay for Anthrax Lethal Toxin Internalization
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-001
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qHTS Assay for Allosteric/Competitive Inhibitors of Caspase-1: Spectroscopic Profiling in AFC Spectral Region
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qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Permissive Temperature
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qHTS Assay for Modulators of Hemoglobin Beta Chain Splicing
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qHTS Assay for Agonists of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor
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qHTS Assay for Agonists of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor: Activators of Intracellular cAMP Concentrations in Parental HEK 293
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MultiTox-Fluor Cytotoxicity Assay - LYMP1-001 - Dead Cells
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MultiTox-Fluor Cytotoxicity Assay - LYMP1-001 - Live Cells
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Cell Viability - LYMP1-002 - Assay at 16 hr
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MultiTox-Fluor Cytotoxicity Assay - LYMP1-002 - Live Cells
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MultiTox-Fluor Cytotoxicity Assay - LYMP1-002 - Dead Cells
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MultiTox-Fluor Cytotoxicity Assay - LYMP1-003 - Dead Cells
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MultiTox-Fluor Cytotoxicity Assay - LYMP1-003 - Live Cells
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Cell Viability - LYMP1-003 - Assay at 24 hr
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Cell Viability - LYMP1-003 - Assay at 40 hr
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-003
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-004
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-005
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-009
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-011
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-013
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-015
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-017
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-019
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-021
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-023
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-025
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-002
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-006
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-007
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-008
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-010
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-012
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-014
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-016
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-018
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-020
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-022
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-024
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Cell Viability - LYMP2-026
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Cell Viability - LYMP1-002 - Assay at 24 hr
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Cell Viability - LYMP1-002 - Assay at 40 hr
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qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the ERK Signaling Pathway using a Homogeneous Screening Assay
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ChEMBL activity data
International Safety Card
PubMed via Mesh
Data CollectionNote

Chemicals with same structure but different CASRN
DetailsImageCASRNPreferred NameHazardChronic ToxicityCarcinogenicityGenotoxicityDevelopmental ToxicityReproductive ToxicityFood SafetyBiomonitoring
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