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Publication Probation and Parole in the United States, 2011

Laura M. Maruschak, Erika Parks

November 29, 2012    NCJ 239686

Presents data on adult offenders under community supervision while on probation or parole during 2011. The report describes trends in the overall community supervision population and analyzes changes in the probation and parole populations. It provides statistics on the number of offenders entering and exiting probation and parole and their average length of stay. The report describes the outcomes of supervision, including the rate at which offenders completed their term of supervision or were returned to prison or jail for violating the conditions of supervision. Appendix tables include jurisdiction-level data on entries and exits and describe the national-level prevalence of offenders on probation or parole by sex, race, Hispanic origin, offense type, and supervision status


  • The number of adults under community supervision declined by about 71,300 during 2011, down to 4,814,200 at yearend.
  • At yearend 2011, for the first time since 2002, the U.S. probation population fell below 4 million; about 4.3 million adults moved onto or off probation during the year.
  • Nearly 853,900 adults were on parole at yearend 2011; about 1.1 million adults moved onto or off parole during the year.

Part of the Probation and Parole Populations Series

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Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey

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