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Publication Sexual Violence Reported by Juvenile Correctional Authorities, 2005-06

Devon B. Adams, Allen J. Beck, Ph.D., Paul Guerino

July 31, 2008    NCJ 215337

Presents data from the 2005 and 2006 Survey on Sexual Violence, an administrative records collection of incidents required under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-79) of youth-on-youth and staff-on-youth sexual violence reported to juvenile correctional authorities. The report provides counts of sexual violence, by type, for juvenile correctional facilities. The report also provides an in-depth analysis of substantiated incidents, including where the incidents occur, time of day, number and characteristics of victims and perpetrators, nature of the injuries, impact on the victims and sanctions imposed on the perpetrators. The appendix tables include counts of sexual violence, by type, for all state systems, and all sampled locally or privately operated facilities.


  • Approximately 1 in 5 of reported allegations of juvenile sexual violence were substantiated.
  • Youth-on-youth incidents were more likely to occur in the victim's room (37%) or in a common area (32%), compared to staff-on-youth incidents (7% and 13%, respectively).
  • Victims received physical injuries in 12% of substantiated incidents of youth-on-youth sexual violence; about half received some form of medical follow-up.

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