Fort Hood Sentinel
Standing watch over Fort Hood since 1942
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2013  01:34:58 PM
Andy Bird, Fort Hood Garrison deputy commander, briefs DA Civilians attending the Garrison Town Hall on the FY ‘13 budget Monday inside Palmer Theater.
Fort Hood Garrison leaders discuss fiscal uncertainties
Fort Hood Garrison Command officials conducted the first of four town hall meetings with its civilian workforce Monday in Palmer Theater, providing its employees a look ahead at potential impacts of a looming sequestration and budget shortfalls for the rest of the year. Nearly 500 employees listened as the Garrison Commander Col. Matt Elledge opened the town hall with a promise to continue his fight to save jobs and programs on the installation in the face of a tightening budget. “My mission in life is to fight for you,” he told the employees assembled, “and fight for what’s right for Fort Hood, Texas.” What won’t change at Fort Hood, Elledge said, is the garrison’s support to deployment preparation and to Soldiers and their Families. “We have to make sure that those Soldiers are ready...» read more
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