Assistant Secretary Gordon's Travel to Germany and Spain, May 2-8

Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
May 1, 2012


Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip H. Gordon traveled to Berlin, Germany and Madrid, Spain, May 2-8. In Berlin, he met with senior German government officials to discuss the range of issues on the bilateral agenda and preparations for the NATO Summit in Chicago, May 20-21. He also spoke at a transatlantic security event hosted by the German Marshall Fund and participated in the Daimler U.S.-European Forum on Global Issues. While in Madrid, Assistant Secretary Gordon met with senior Spanish government officials to discuss bilateral and global issues. He also made remarks at a conference on NATO sponsored by Instituto Elcano.


-05/07/12 Remarks at the Casa de America; Madrid, Spain
-05/03/12 Remarks at the German Marshall Fund; Berlin, Germany


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