Since February 22nd we at the Embassy have been contacted by many American citizens and American businesses asking about ways that they could assist the people of Christchurch.  I am pleased to advise that a group called American Friends of Christchurch has now been formed to raise funds to support recovery and reconstruction projects in Canterbury.

American friends of Christchurch logo

The American Friends group is an initiative of the American business community, supported as well by individual citizens. Several of the U.S. delegates who rode out the earthquake while at the recent Partnership Forum in Christchurch are involved, including former Senator Evan Bayh and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.  Taking a lead role is Peter Watson, a former Los Angeles resident who once practiced law at Coudert Brothers, the law firm I chaired.

The organizers tell me that the American Friends of Christchurch group has been set up as a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit entity under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.  For more information, please email the group directly at