Leadership Philosophy

“Linking Our Heritage to Our Horizons”

To the Florida National Guard,

Major General Emmett TitshawI am proud to take command of this wonderful organization. You too, should be proud of what you have accomplished and the reputation you have earned as the premier National Guard state. Our State, this Nation, and those organizations defending our freedom around the globe salute the Florida National Guard for their contributions to the wars overseas and our service on the home front. As we embark together on a new chapter in our rich history, we will build upon the successes of the previous leaders and forge an organization prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. What I am providing you today are the thoughts on my philosophy… what I believe in, and what acts as a guide for my life, my leadership, and my decisions.

I believe that history plays an important role in shaping our future. The spirit of the Citizen-Soldier heritage rooted in the earliest days of our Nation’s existence still resonates among our formations. Today, our entire Guard family; Soldiers, Airmen, civilian employees, and their families, all play a critical role in linking our heritage to our horizons. We continue to fulfill our forefathers’ vision of having a ready force to address the needs of our State and Nation at home, while meeting today’s demand of an efficient and effective organization ready to meet the myriad of challenges abroad.

Professional organizations like ours have valued qualities that every member portrays. I believe that everyone, regardless of rank or status, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. I believe integrity is the bedrock upon which all other values are built. Everyone has the obligation to challenge the “status quo” and actively search for ways to do things better and more efficiently. We should strive to know our Soldiers, Airmen, and their families better, and work to meet their needs. And finally, we must strive to communicate more effectively within and outside our organization. These qualities will be lasting impressions with everyone whom has contact with the Florida National Guard.

We of the Florida National Guard do not get our satisfaction from material rewards, but from a sense of duty done and commitments to our fellow countrymen fulfilled. We are proud to be the ones who have stepped forward… the ones prepared to fight and win our Nation’s wars while providing safety and security to the citizens of Florida and adding value to our communities. We also understand the costs associated with service to our State and Nation, and know these costs are additionally shared by our families and employers. Each of these areas (nation, state, community, family and civilian employers) is inextricably connected.

Let me leave you with some final thoughts. Our nation, state, communities, families and our civilian employers all have a stake in the success of the Florida National Guard. A lot is asked of the men and women of our Guard family, and we demand a lot of ourselves. We willingly accept these demands for we play a central role in maintaining the freedom and liberties found nowhere else on earth. We will never lose sight of this most important mission of protecting our freedom. We are a world-class organization, keeping the proud traditions of our forefathers, preparing ourselves for the future, always striving to link our heritage to our horizons.

May God bless you and your families, and may God bless this State and Nation that we love.

Emmett R. Titshaw Jr.
Major General
The Adjutant General