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ICS Training Courses

Training Program

As illustrated below, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training Program identifies those courses critical to train personnel capable of implementing all functions of emergency management. This program establishes the NIMS core curriculum to ensure it adequately trains emergency and incident response personnel to all concepts and principles of each NIMS component. Click on this link to access the NIMS Training Program document.

Chart showing NIMS courses arranged according to incident complexity, which ranges from Low (Type 5) to High (Type 1). On the low end, labeled as Baseline courses, are IS-700 and ICS-100. In the middle range is ICS-200. Toward the top, labeled Additional Training (Advanced), are IS-800, ICS-300, and ICS-400. An empty column is labeled Position-Specific.

Click on the following links to learn more.

Baseline Courses

  • IS-700 NIMS, an Introduction: This independent study course introduces the NIMS concept. NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents.
  • ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System: This independent study course introduces ICS and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. It describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the system. This course also explains the relationship between ICS and NIMS.

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Additional Courses

  • ICS-200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents: This independent study course is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the ICS. ICS-200 provides training and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS.
  • IS-800 National Response Framework (NRF), an Introduction: The course introduces participants to the concepts and principles of the NRF.
  • ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents: ICS-300 provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced knowledge and application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses.
  • ICS-400 Advanced ICS: This course provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of ICS. This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100 through ICS-300.
  • Position-Specific Training: These courses are designed to provide State and local-level emergency responders with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of Command and General Staff members. Exercises, simulations, discussions, and a final exam enable participants to process and apply their new knowledge. Position-specific training courses include:
    • E/L 950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander
    • E/L 952: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Public Information Officer
    • E/L 954: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Safety Officer
    • E/L 956: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Liaison Officer
    • E/L 958: All-Hazards Position Specific Operations Section Chief
    • E/L 960: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Division/Group Supervisor
    • E/L 962: All-Hazards Position Specific Planning Section Chief
    • E/L 964: All-Hazards Position Specific Situation Unit Leader
    • E/L 965: All-Hazards Position Specific Resources Unit Leader
    • E/L 967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief
    • E/L 969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader
    • E/L 970: All-Hazards Position Specific Supply Unit Leader
    • E/L 971: All-Hazards Position Specific Facilities Unit Leader
    • E/L 973: All-Hazards Position Specific Finance/Admin. Section Chief
    • E/L 975: All-Hazards Position Specific Finance/Admin. Unit Leader Course

Click this link to access the EMI web site for information on class offerings and course materials.

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Multiagency Coordination Systems (MACS)/Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

  • Multiagency Coordination Systems (MACS)/Emergency Operations Center (EOC): These courses present an overview of key NIMS principles relating to MACS, public information, resource management, mutual aid, and communication and information management.

    Training for MACS/EOC Personnel
    Chart showing NIMS courses for MACS/EOC personnel. On the low end, labeled as Baseline courses, are IS-700 and ICS-100. In the middle, labeled Additional NIMS Training, is IS-800. Toward the top, also labeled Additional NIMS Training, are G-191, G-775, IS-706, and IS-701.

  • IS-701 NIMS MACS: This independent study course introduces MACS and provides examples of how these systems can be used to improve incident response.
  • IS-706 NIMS Interstate Mutual Aid, an Introduction: This independent study course provides an introduction to NIMS interstate mutual aid and assistance. Participants will learn about the purpose and benefits of mutual aid and assistance, as well as the emphasis that NIMS places on mutual aid and assistance.
  • G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface: This course reviews ICS and EOC responsibilities and functions and depends heavily on exercises and group discussions to formulate the interface. The course provides an opportunity for participants to begin developing an interface between an Incident Management Team and EOC personnel.
  • G-775 Emergency Operations Center Management and Operations: This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and operate EOCs and multiagency coordination systems at the Federal, State, tribal, and local levels of government. This course describes the role, design, and functions of EOCs and their relationships as components of a multiagency coordination system.

Click this link to access the EMI web site for information on class offerings and course materials.

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